A Conversation for Bad Habits and How to Stop Them

Verbal Tics and Conversation Padding

Post 1


I'm pleased this one was listed first under "Bad Habits". It should be emphasized, this is also one of the most difficult to break. Many people suffer with this debilitating condition all of their lives, and end up with a memorial to it etched even their tombstones.

To break this habit permanently, simply recite the mantra: "It's not about me; It's not about me." any time you find yourself going off on your favorite rant. And not just in conversation. Blogs and social networking are both rife with OCD made into an extension of such bad habits. Many of the perpetrator would generally not recognize it as a disorder unless they observed someone else doing it. If you are one of these, try the mantra. Say it or write it as many times as needed to break the habit. Please.

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Verbal Tics and Conversation Padding

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