Welcome and Greetings from the Universe
I needed someplace more fun to write than Wikipedia. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to get started writing over there.
For starters, they had this editing bias against what they termed "weasel words". When I pointed out to them just how ridiculous such a policy was, they abruptly stopped using the term, and I hope it never comes back. It's like they expected every encyclopedia article to profess absolute certainty in every detail, even when such detail was lacking in the real world, like the case of quantum physics, and that's just for starters.
I found lots of political bias in certain articles (the article about Ayn Rand, for example).
Pseudoscience still abounds in Wikipedia, and often, no one even knows the difference. One reason for this is that articles on pseudoscience are allowed if they include one paragraph on the "scientific consensus", and science articles are also allowed if they include one paragraph on "pseudoscientific consensus". It's symmetrical, see? Karl Popper's ideas about falsifiability are no help at all there; no real demarcation of any kind. Both Popper and Hume were crackpots. Popper thought he could get away with induction by changing the scientific method into something that worked by survival of the fittest (theory). But clearing out induction from the scientific method is akin to throwing away all your instruments because they were designed and built using prior knowledge. Only an imbecile would dream of doing science this way.
Lunatics like David de Hilster were editing physics articles there for a while, and Tom Cruise was editing articles on Scientology. Well, I've had enough of that.
I've loved Douglas Adams books and stories for most of my life. I really miss him. The idea of a Hitchhiker's Guide or an Encyclopedia Galactica has definite appeal, so here I am.
More about myself later.
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Lanzababy calling danshawen | Feb 15, 2014 |
Welcome from your ACE! | Jan 26, 2014 |
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This Article Way Ahead of Its Time | Nov 13, 2014 | No Replies |
Nazipedia | May 28, 2014 | May 28, 2014 |
Psychophysics demonstrations | May 28, 2014 | No Replies |
This is much better | May 27, 2014 | No Replies |
Asclepius vs Caduceus | Apr 19, 2014 | No Replies |
Researcher U15000075
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."