This is the Message Centre for danshawen
Lanzababy calling danshawen
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Started conversation Feb 15, 2014
Hey danshawen
I'm delighted that you've joined The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Welcome from the Editorial part of the site!
I noticed that you left comments on a few Entries; commenting on the Entries is a great way to keep something fresh, as our stats show that our visitors read the latest comments as well as the text of the Entry.
If there are factual inaccuracies, small omissions or facts that need updating, we'd be delighted if you were to contact Editorial Feedback and let our curators know what needs to be updated. Here's the link A388334
(But you can navigate to Feedback via the Footer link.)
Apart from helping us to keep the Guide up to date, we really do welcome people to write fresh Entries. Our Peer Review system is probably totally at variance from writing for Wikipedia, because we love to retain the individual author's style. Although we try to distance ourselves from fan-type emulation of Douglas Adam's style, we try to ensure we have the sorts of text that make 'good reading' rather than clone entries with heavy lists of fact.
Encouraging good writing is one of our basic tenets.
I really do hope that you have time to write something for us in the future, and if you need any further information or advice, then please reply to this conversation thread.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor
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Lanzababy calling danshawen
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."