A Conversation for Talking Point: Life's Little Dilemmas

right or wrong?

Post 101

several, a/k/a random

yes, az, wanting to do what is right. thinking and talking about it. also yes to TANSTAAFL, heinlein used that in about '66 in 'the moon is a harsh mistress' about the first colony on the moon---ironically a penal colony. one had to pay for the air they breathe and the water they must use, or they would be 'spaced' by harsh reality. there was the idle rich, but they paid for the privilege. a combination of communism and capitalism in the very fragile enviornment of space.
every day we just try and do and be our best, and get up tomorrow and do it again.
smiley - musicalnote

right or wrong?

Post 102


ummm. . . well, I guess so, no doubt depending perhaps on what planet we are supposedly living on . . . smiley - biggrin


right or wrong?

Post 103


I think what it all comes down to is something Helelou2 (I'm sorry, may I ask why is it 2?) refered to before. There is right and wrong but they are such only for the person judging. Of course, few people with same opinions can work together, but they all started of from deciding R and W for themselves.

right or wrong?

Post 104

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

The 2 is because this is the second time here,tech difficulties locked me out of my first page Hence Helelou2-second time lucky

smiley - cheers

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