This is the Message Centre for Number Six

Now, here's a thing

Post 1

Number Six

I went to IKEA the other day. I know, I'm not proud. But I'd broken the thing in the bathroom to keep teethbreesh in, and it's on the inventory so I had to get a replacement.

Of course, I ended up in the old Swedish shop on the way out. And here's the thing. Beer in Sweden's really expensive, right? Of course, it can't cost much more than anywhere else to make the stuff, it's mainly the tax. But they were selling this stuff called Spendrups Old Gold, pound a bottle, and it's really nice. And I looked at the label, and unlike most so-called Scandinavian lagers, it does seem to be actually brewed in Sweden.

Odd. They can't be making any money on it. Can they?

smiley - mod

Now, here's a thing

Post 2


Mmmmmmm... I love the food from the Sweden shop at the end of Ikea! You have to buy loads of meatballs and 'Anna's Pepperkakkor' I think they're called (gingery thin biscuity things) and some little jelly car things and lots of dime bars... smiley - drool

smiley - panda

Now, here's a thing

Post 3

Number Six

It's not just me then! You can't beat a good Swedish meatballs and chips... that cake that's sort of got Dime bars in it isn't half bad either smiley - drool

smiley - mod

Now, here's a thing

Post 4


I like the make-at-home gingerbread houses too! smiley - biggrin

smiley - panda

Now, here's a thing

Post 5


Oh, and you do know that with those ginger biscuit things you're supposed to hold them in the palm of your hand and hit them with a knuckle of the other hand and if it breaks into exactly 3 pieces you get a wish... smiley - biggrin

smiley - panda

Now, here's a thing

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Dime bars smiley - droolsmiley - bigeyessmiley - tongueout

I wouldn't feel too bad about shopping at IKEA - some of their stuff (the bits and pieces you find downstairs) is actually quite good... not their furniture though.

Now, here's a thing

Post 7

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

hmmmm when you are down in the sticks in Plymouth going to ikea is a major expedition (bristol at 130 miles being the closest).

Still I always like the crispbread on my (infrequent) visits.

Now, here's a thing

Post 8


So it's true then. Ikea is a snack shop with a warehouse, car park and traffic jam attached smiley - tongueout

Now, here's a thing

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - laugh

Now, here's a thing

Post 10

Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)

Mo-one's even mentioned the cheap crappy hotdogs! They're the best after a hard day's shopping.
I *love* Ikea, could spend all day there redesigning my whole house - maybe it's a girl thing .....


Now, here's a thing

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

*pops up quite unexpectedly*

Ha! I *live* in Sweden, so I get to eat those things all the time, so there!smiley - nahnah

Now, what was I doing here?smiley - huh

Oh - yes - Number Six, your country at NationStates has 'ceased to exist' and I was just wondering why...smiley - huh

Now, here's a thing

Post 12

Number Six

Hmmm... I've forgotten to pop in for a while. Perhaps it self-destructed without me? Must go and check!

smiley - mod

Now, here's a thing

Post 13

Number Six

It's true! smiley - wah Anguria no longer exists... probably due to wilful neglect.

Oh well, c'est la vie. smiley - cheerup

smiley - mod

Now, here's a thing

Post 14


I thought I'd pop in to declare my addiction to IKEA food. And furniture for that matter. A winding metal staircase divides upstairs from downstairs in my place, so everything upstairs had to be carried up in bits and then assembled.

The only purchase I regret is the softwood cupboards. I just know they are not going to survive being taken apart when we eventually move. I've already broken one bit trying to straighten it.


Now, here's a thing

Post 15


I've never been to Ikea! I think I would love it too much. All those great home decorating things at a cheep cheep cheep (like a birdie) price in comparison to other places. Yum.
smiley - zen

The problem with political science is you need a REALLY big lab

Post 16

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

Sorry to pop in with a totally off topic post that has nothing to do with Ikea, but I'm seeking some intelligent input on a non-partisan politcal proposal to reinvent democracy (next project - inventing some of that hot orange stuff that consumes matter)

I've started a thread on a new system of municipal government I'd like to see tried which basically amounts to government by jury and I'm hoping people will have a read and make some comments and spread the word
I welcome any and all comments at
sorry if the proposal is a bit long and hard to read, I've forgotten how to do formatting (subheads and bold type etc) but i will tart it up eventually to make it easier to read, hopefully with the suggestions of others incorporated.

The problem with political science is you need a REALLY big lab

Post 17

Titania (gone for lunch)

rev.paperboy, your link doesn't seem to work - is this what you were trying to link to?

You could try starting a new conversation over here: <./>A1146917</.>

The problem with political science is you need a REALLY big lab

Post 18

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

yes that's what I was trying to link to and thank you for letting me know i hadn't
I'll post it on the forum as suggested.
Mille gratzi!

Now, here's a thing...

Post 19

Number Six

I've just realised I've got a thread with TWO reverends posting on it smiley - wow

smiley - mod

Now, here's a thing...

Post 20

Number Six

Of course, as any devotee of Father Ted knows, this would be an ecumenical matter...

smiley - mod

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