A Conversation for The Minos Front

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 41


*Several more of the droids have powered down as it looks like the construction is coming towards completion. The back half of the warehouse is a honeycomb of rooms stacked double high forming a virtual two story building. Two large generates hum quietly in the corner and an air filtration system purrs just above them.*

Alfred: Final touches are being made by the detailers, this will continue for several days, but I am happy to declare this outpost functional. The war room is located in 2A (Second story, NW corner). Communications and other technical departments are in neighboring rooms. The lower floor is for recreational and retirement needs. 1A-F are your sleeping quarters. Should the effective force ever exceed 6 you will need to share quarters. This area should be reserved for vehiclular and mechanical maintenance. If you would be so polite as to move your bartending to 1G, there is a sports bar you may manage.

Just say that something exists and it will.

*A series of beeps echoes through the "Garage" as the interlocking main doors revolve open. Eddie roars up the ramp and cuts the engine of his Ducati. The bike looks to have been modified since it was aquired, most noticable is the black streaks that match the color of Eddie's leathers. He doffs his helmet and looks around.*

Eddie: I assume everything is on schedule?

Alfred: Yes sir. The facility is air tight and the dampeners are operating at 103% efficiency. The mainframe in the war room is ready for SyD's to upload.

*SyD pops free of a small indent in the Ducati and drifts up the stairwell to the war room. Eddie looks to Apollo and the rest.*

Eddie: Any questions or concerns can be directed to me now, Alfred will be fairly busy maintaining the facilities. Try and stay out of his way, he gets a bit snippish.

Alfred: You would too if you were being pestered by this bunch of monkeys.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 42


If you'll e-mail me a description of how the place looks now, I'll update the main page, get links in to the convs, etc.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 43


It best have a spiral staircase smiley - cross

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 44


Take an empty warehouse and put a two story building into half of it. The walls of the warehouse are lined with armor and everything is metal and polymers. Two generators stand in the corner of the Garage portion of the warehouse (the section not contained by the two story building) with an air purifier above them. The rooms on the bottom floor of the building are for recreation and include sleeping quarters, the rooms on the top are for war planning, communication, electronics, that sort of thing. It is all very open and there is always gonna be a room that hasn't been mentioned (for when people decide there should be a radar room or something)

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 45


*Gets up and goes out to where he parked his V-Rod before he checked out the warehouse. He starts the engine with a roar and rides matt-black custom model into the warehouse parking area.*

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 46


Hmmm... I'll see what I can do. We can also put our HQ somewhere inside of terrania or somesuch place if wanted...

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 47

Lily [-2+1+0+(8*5)+3=42]

Lily sits down against one of the walls and sips her coffee. She hardly notices the androids scurrying around or the group of men. She is in java-land....

As she draws in the last long sip of coffee, Lily opens her eyes and looks around in startlement. Everything had changed. She shook her head, stood, and walked over to where everyone else was.

"Hello, I don't believe that I know all of you. My name is Lily. I'm here simply to ensure that Daedalus is caught in order to prove a point of sorts. And you all?"

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 48


Ahhahahaha... don't finals suck the hard one?

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 49

Lily [-2+1+0+(8*5)+3=42]

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 50


3rd year calc coming up *shudders*

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 51


*to Eddie* So you're the one responsible for all this, eh? Good work--though I expected nothing less. Did you happen to see any government agents or rebels on the way over? Mystrunner has some sources that say the anarchists are moving...I'd like to know where.

Would anyone with tracking and/or computer skills care to go up to the warroom and find out where the baddies are taking Daedalus? Or at least get a list of potential targets?

Meanwhile... I'll make a Mar------garita!!! (What can I say? A guy has to have some variety in life, right?)

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 52


*The war room harkens back to the days of King Arthur save that the round table has a holographic projector mounted in it. Various consols line the walls and racks of communication gear can be seen in the ajoining room. Eddie leans over the projector and drums his fingers on the table.*

Eddie: The only problem is that my technology and that of Daedalus is entirely incompatable... i can't even detect his systems... but he can't seem to get into mine, oil and water i guess. Although... SyD, how fast can you traverse the local internet mainframes?

SyD: I'm only limited by their hardware at this time.

Eddie: Ping around the net for null zones. Any hardpoints you can't at least bounce off. If a null zone forms on any of the servers, I want to know from where it originates.

SyD: Won't even take half of my cycles.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 53

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*tings fork on glass*

Right then. Word is, thanks Mystrunner, that the anarchists are on the move. Question is, what do we intend to do about it?

We can't go running off half-assed after them; we need a coherent plan. Work out how we can complement one another. Our first priority should be to establish leads on where the anarchists have set up base.

Should we react when they strike, or attempt to pre-empt them? If we can get the anarchists and the coppers at each other's throats that gives us a free hand to work behind them both.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 54


Damn smiley - cross

I was hoping to run off half-assed...

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 55


We can't strike until they show up... but that won't be too long...

Hey, Ed-E, can you tune in to Terranic broadcast signals? Any distress calls sent out will be heard by us first.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 56

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] Pfft. Speak for yourself. I wasn't prepared to run off with ideas that were half-baked.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 57


*Eddie walks into the adjoining comm room and activates one of the systems. He adjusts a few settings and then returns.*

Eddie: SyD, since you've got so many spare cycles why don't you monitor the frequencies i've got tuned in at station two. Keep an ear out for anything that might interest us.

SyD: Shall I be getting you coffee next?

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 58


I've got a contact as well... I think ... on the government's side. I don't know exactly how they plan on using me, but as long as we both have the same goal of getting Daedalus back, I think they'll play along.

It sounds to me like we'll need a two-pronged attack. We need one group to stop the anarchists and recover Daedalus, and another heavily armed group to keep the government from stopping us.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 59

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] [grinning] I volunteer to be against the Agents. If they know /I'm/ involved, things should get a lot more interesting.

The Safe House on 42nd Street.

Post 60


Really? I suppose that rules you out of an espionage mission smiley - winkeye Speaking of which... I need to check up on my contact, see if he's legit. I can take one of you with me, but I dare not risk more--preferably one of you without a bad history with the Terranic Government.

Eddie, can you rig up a means of communication so I can stay in touch with the command post...undetected by listening ears? I have this odd feeling that things are gonna heat up, and that you all will be off before I get back.

*heads toward the Jag, picking up random handy gadgets along the way*

So who's going with me?

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