A Conversation for The Flight Of Daedalus

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Post 81

Lews Therin Telamon, The Dragon, Lord of the Morning (AKA Jonathan Kerensky [hero])

I was wondering if I could be a surprise kind of hero that turns up later in the quest. I would be a man who had been working secretly for the government in the developement of weaponry. A genius, but naive and being taken advantage of. The villains would trick me into believing that a horrible project of theirs was a top secret government priority and I needed to cut ties with all of my other projects to work on theirs. The other heroes could rescue me in a covert infiltration of the villains facility and tell me the truth of what is going on. i would quickly become useful to them because of my intelligence, problem solving skills, and familiarity with the locations and tech of both the government and the villains. Picture a quite guy who reads alot, but gets really pissed off and takes massive vengeance when he finds he has been taken advantage of. So how does it sound?

Sign up for heroes

Post 82


Sounds good to me! You'll have to keep track of the activities yourself, of course, so you can decide when to show up.

Sign up for heroes

Post 83

Lews Therin Telamon, The Dragon, Lord of the Morning (AKA Jonathan Kerensky [hero])

Will do! My name will be Jonathan Kerensky and my choice of weaponry will be a suit of armor that can manipulate time and space to limited extents. Thanks for the tumbs up!

Sign up for heroes

Post 84


smiley - ok

Good luck!

Sign up for heroes

Post 85

Dizzy the Void

Something I ought to have mentioned but didn't ... Yar has some telekinesis. Nothing that can stop bullets, mind you, but if he reaches across the room for a book he's got a good chance of getting it.

Sign up for heroes

Post 86


smiley - ok

Psionics will be playing a small part, withing a government facility that now runs under its own authority... you're not the only one.

Sign up for heroes

Post 87

Dizzy the Void

Right, just checking.

Sign up for heroes

Post 88


i wouldn't mind joining up but i thought we weren't allowed any special powers or armour. if i am allowed can i be the logical one? my name will be john bugwa and i will be extremely logical, kind of like a tactician/problem solver/co-ordinator. extremely valuable but doesn't actually go on any missions, just helps out over a com link in the line of researcher/scientist-not technician.

Sign up for heroes

Post 89


Fine by me. You can have powers, if you want, but not very many.

Good to have you on board. The Hero's site is called the Minos Front, and can be found in the Rules and Regulations page, under the heroes.

Sign up for heroes

Post 90

Dizzy the Void

Hmm ... I seem to have gotten lost as to where I ought to go. The action has moved away, but I've got no idea where. I /was/ here:


Sign up for heroes

Post 91


It's now in the second level of a high-security mech-lab, currently under lockdown with no door out.

Sign up for heroes

Post 92


Are they the e-vil ones or the good ones?

Sign up for heroes

Post 93

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!

All right Im back and I want Revenge...
I would Like to sign up as Zophyks younger brother Hilbryk who has Two goals...
smiley - spacesmiley - space1. Get Revenge on his Brother's Killers
smiley - spacesmiley - space2. Cash in on his brother's massive government Life insurance policy
Better than his brother at using electronics but not by much, and isn't an alcoholic..
So may I?

Sign up for heroes

Post 94


Come right on in! You're with the gov. still, right? Or you going for the heroes?

Sign up for heroes

Post 95

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!

No heroes, Hilbryk needs a degree of independence that you cannot get in the Government forces to take revenge...

Sign up for heroes

Post 96

Lily [-2+1+0+(8*5)+3=42]

Alright, due to the fact that I am too lazy to catch up on the nearly 2 weeks of back-log that I have missed... I am pulling out. Don't really want to, but too much has happenend for me to stay.

Have fun!


Sign up for heroes

Post 97


Sure, no prob. If you ever want back in, just pop into the war room, and get briefed.

Sign up for heroes

Post 98

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!

So may i join the heroes or must i stay Terranic?

Sign up for heroes

Post 99


Should I give a CV...I still haven't done that yet!

Sign up for heroes

Post 100


creachy pulling out as will be offline indefinately


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