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NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
msmonsy Started conversation Jan 13, 2000
another year older and one more step closer senility
happy birthday baby, I LOVE YOU!!!!! XOXO
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
shazzPRME Posted Jan 13, 2000
Happy birthday you NM you! You have made the last 6 months so much fun
and also helped to make my brain ache on more then one occasion!
Just how you made me explain,in laymans terms, the intricacies of harmony and chord progression and then displayed a thorough knowledge of guitar chords still makes me squirm!LOL! I got my own back by sending you a perfect example of a major,minor..harmonic, minor ...melodic and whole tone scale though! I hope that you treasure that! LOL!Have a GREAT birthday and are as old as the woman you feel...and the woman you feel is only about 18 at you seem to have discovered the secret of eternal youth !
shazzPRME xxxxxxxXXXxxxxx
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Jan 13, 2000
Happy Birthday my friend... But alas you are no longer the age of the answer, you have to look for the age of the question next
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Hypoman Posted Jan 13, 2000
The age of the question...? I thought the question was perennial after 21, viz. "how much longer until I'm gone, and what can I do about it...?"
Don't have a crisis on me, FS, it sounds as though Marv's close enough for us both...!
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Baron_Shatturday Posted Jan 13, 2000
43? That's the ultimate answer plus 10 - 9! Or something. You can make this as complicated or not- it's still another year, another grey hair... ;0)
Happy Birthday, dude!
da Baron
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Gwennie Posted Jan 13, 2000
Hoopy birthday! Have a wonderful day...
I'm going to be 43 this July .... providing I live that long as with all the internet phone bills I'm running up, my hubby is likely to bump me off and use the insurance money to pay the bill!
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Researcher 99947 Posted Jan 13, 2000
Hmm... what can I say that hasn't been said before? I wish you a very happy birthday, though I doubt it necessary; you have a great wife, great kids, a GOOD job, a nice hobby, a worry free computer (for you, that is), and some of the greatest friends around! Happy 43rd buddy!
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Anonymouse Posted Jan 13, 2000
*pounces in with guitars blazing*
You say it's your birthday?
It's my birthday too, yeah!
Erm.. well it's not but.. Oh heck with it...
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Dear Strange One! (fairly my arse!
Happy Birthday to you!
*sneaks a smootch when monsy's not looking. *
Have Mercy with the Birthday Boy
kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict) Posted Jan 13, 2000
*sprinkles the place with confetti*
0/~ for he's a yolly good fellow 0/~
0/~ for he's a yolly strange fellow 0/~
0/~ for he's a yolly fine fellooow 0/~
0/~ and so say all of us...0/~ *tune out*
hej Really Strange One,
a wonderful b-day to you, and many happy returns of the day!
*deposits birthday cake on the keyboard and tries to light 43 candles.... well, one must do!*
your cake's here, btw:
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Anonymouse Posted Jan 13, 2000
Oh! I almost forgot.. (The third story down ... the last one as I type this, but who knows... just in time for your birthday! )
*scampers into monsy's pocka for to hide*
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 13, 2000
Congratulations on surviving another year and managing to be even older than me! Hope your 44th year is a great one!
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
Peta Posted Jan 13, 2000
Happy Birthday to you - FS!
*may the the worst of your future be the best of your past...*
Oh no, sharing an office with Mark is taking its toll - I'm turning into a hippy...
I hope you have a lovely day.
Key: Complain about this post
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy
- 1: msmonsy (Jan 13, 2000)
- 2: Something Witty (Jan 13, 2000)
- 3: SetupWeasel (Jan 13, 2000)
- 4: shazzPRME (Jan 13, 2000)
- 5: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Jan 13, 2000)
- 6: Hypoman (Jan 13, 2000)
- 7: Beeblefish (Jan 13, 2000)
- 8: msmonsy (Jan 13, 2000)
- 9: Baron_Shatturday (Jan 13, 2000)
- 10: Gwennie (Jan 13, 2000)
- 11: Researcher 99947 (Jan 13, 2000)
- 12: Anonymouse (Jan 13, 2000)
- 13: kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict) (Jan 13, 2000)
- 14: Ginger The Feisty (Jan 13, 2000)
- 15: Anonymouse (Jan 13, 2000)
- 16: Ormondroyd (Jan 13, 2000)
- 17: Peta (Jan 13, 2000)
- 18: msmonsy (Jan 13, 2000)
- 19: Anonymouse (Jan 13, 2000)
- 20: Jimi X (Jan 13, 2000)
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