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How did your team do?

Post 1

Thunderbear...and don't you forget it

Post-season, post-off season, post pre-season review.
Soon be time for those meaningless games that make up the pre season.
So before your star QB breaks his leg on the first snap or your HOF DT is arrested and spends 6 months in jail,how will you remember 2006 & the draft?
For me the pain of losing a Superbowl is only slightly diminished by the fact that the Bears seem to have only lost two players & bought in two players.
Is confidence that high that the same group can do it again?Against better teams?Is Rex really that stable!!!
Should I get excited despite the stats that say as runner up we won't make the playoffs this year.
Maybe Jerry Angelo is just so tight hes trying to make coal from his wallet.
Certainly in Division I think the threat will come from the Lions.
Packers will just beat the Vikes for the wooden spoon.
Once again we drafted a bunch of oddities.I can't remember in the last 5 years a player thats made me go wow.But for every Marc Columbo theres a Devin Hester.

How did your team do?

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Got to within about three yards of going to the NFC championship game, which when playing a loan officer at dime CB is pretty respectable, really, especially since the other mob were about 20 point favourites.

Draft? Who knows? Got rid of a locker room distraction, albeit to a divisional rival, and got rid off a liability to the Bucs. Picked up a pro-bowl DE if his torn pec recovers, and look forward to going into the next season with a settled o-line, a fit QB and RB (who has dropped thirty or so pouinds and looks fantastic in camp highlights).

The wet north-west will be a force to be reckoned with again next year.

smiley - shark

How did your team do?

Post 3


Hmmm... In Ted we Trust smiley - silly

Not sure about our draft. Reasonable DT, then a RB who has potential after a couple of seasons, but will we stick with him that long?. WR who I quote "He will drop the easy pass" smiley - yikes and a LB that again, might have some talent in the big league.

I'm SO glad we didn't pick up Moss (whatever his diva-ness the Lord Favre may or may not have said). Keyshawn wouldn't be a bad pick for a couple of years work... but will Ted loosen the purse strings?

We still don't have a tight end threat and don't really have depth at RB (yeah, Green was slowing, but I think he still could've been useful)

D's a bit thin in the secondary - but it was better last season than the one before.

To sum up, this season will be smiley - rolleyessmiley - lurk

How did your team do?

Post 4

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Another ugly season in the books. Nuff said on that.

In an offseason with some really awful head coach hirings, we got a good one in Cam Cameron. The draft was a head-scratcher, though. Speed is good, but an undersized receiver who knows three routes in the first round? This has Desmond Howard written all over it. Despite all the naysayers, though, I love that they skipped Brady Quinn and got John Beck in the second round. There were some other pretty decent picks in there later on... but that first rounder is definitely a concern.

All indications are Trent Green will be the starting QB for a while until Beck is ready. I hope so. Green knows the coach and the offense from past experience together. Culpepper is a train wreck.

Big FA acquisition is Joey Porter. On one hand, I'm not impressed. He seems to play all his big games lately against bad teams. On the other... it's not like teams can focus on him, with Jason Taylor on the other side of him. If you can't game-plan around him, maybe he goes nuts.

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