A Conversation for I'm New - What Do I Do Now?


Post 1


Hi, I'm new here. It's a bit like wiki, (the internet encyclopedia,
http://en.wikipedia.org/ ) but looks like more human. Well I rather like this sort of atmosphere. I'm not really sure about where's to start but hopefully I'll take some time wondering around, and try to convince me that I'm facing with humans, not machine. (thanks ACE Jordan for mentioning that) So, bref, see you then!


Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

well how about a nice cup of smiley - tea with some smiley - cake or smiley - choc !!

Welcome to the site, cliche.

We are a friendly bunch but a little eccentric smiley - winkeye!


Post 3


We're a bit more anarchic here than in Wikipedia, though wiki's good too. smiley - smiley

Did you come here from Wikipedia? If so, you'd probably be interested in writing some entries, eh? smiley - whistle

Looks like you're finding your way around the community nicely. smiley - ok You've already even volunteered to be a community artist. smiley - bigeyes

If you need some help, just holler!

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4


Wow, thanks A LOT for your fantastic greetings (and nice hot cup of tea)- it's just so FAST. About wiki: I go often to wiki, but i cannot understand the the system yet.(Probably forever) Still I'm interested about wrting the entry. See you around then smiley - winkeye


Post 5


I go to wiki sometimes. It's nice, very advanced in some ways, but h2g2 is just more fun smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep


Post 6

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Congratulations Mort!!

You win the award for biggest understatement of the week!

"a little eccentric " smiley - laugh

smiley - applause


Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Well, i didn't want to frighten Cliche off by telling him/her that we are in actual fact all totally bonkers!!

smiley - rofl


Post 8

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )


We have people who worship a researcher who's only post was a request for information about leaving the Guide

We have an organization dedicated to using sporks and renaming the days of the week.

We have an enormous conversation about the existance or nonexistance of Gods.

We now have our resident Fundamentalist Christian back at U195767. It doesn't matter how Christian you may be, he'll still assure you you're going straight to hell.


Post 9

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - yikes Justin the Preacher is back!


Post 10


Eccentric -

It's okay, I'm from different place. (wish I came from different planet and going back there soon, but who knows?)

I really have not much thought of GOD/gods since I lost my wallet. (several times) But I just LOVE christian GOD when I enjoy the weekend with a bunch of beer and dear teli, though it ends up usually bad when the Monday monster grabs me and throws me out of bed. (exactly what happened THIS morning, for example)

smiley - zzz


Post 11


Sodit... smiley - silly

smiley - blacksheep


Post 12


Oh, and everything's perfectly safe and friendly - even the eccentric stuff... just stay away from the sporkites and you'll be fine smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep


Post 13

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

just stay away from Jodan and you will be fine !!! smiley - winkeye

Just kidding - it is definitely the sporkites you need to worry about.

smiley - yikes - I am one!

Long Live the Spork! smiley - spork


Post 14


Quick cliche! run! I'll hold mort down.

Silly mort... she's being insolent, I outbadge her.

smiley - blacksheep


Post 15


Who are the sporkites? I'm just a neophyte (newbie) so could all ya people tell me what the ZARKING ZARK is going on, and so yeah. PS Penguins rule the zarking world, as do turtles.
Especially chibi turtles!!!!! And sooooooo yeah!!! ;o)


Post 16


The sporkites are a sect of the Thingites (who have smiley - sporks and try to change the names of the week) who feel a bit stronger about their sporks.

Erm... they scare me. You can't sleep with both eyes closed around them

smiley - blacksheep


Post 17

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

The Campaign To Rename Thursday smiley - spork

'Thingite' Group Uprising! smiley - sporksmiley - spork

They are great and you get your very own shiny smiley - spork

True - if your average h2g2 researcher is bonkers, then sporkites are criminally insane, but hey - live and let live - unless you upset them, in which case it is die and more dying! smiley - rofl


Post 18


(After reading A516647 ) seriously considering about joining the Thingites. (The Inner Voice: No! You are already eccentric ENOUGH! plz stop!)

Guess I'll join anyway, soon.

smiley - whistle


Post 19


Good idea, I think. They're seriously fun sometimes.

Plus you get a free smiley - spork for joining

smiley - blacksheep

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