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Post 9981


No what i'm saying is this firm makes 5 bats all made with the same wood..and all made in the same factory so why is one better than the other.and are you saying that the bat wins the game not the guy who plays with it

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Post 9982

Pat Pending

The 4th bat is the Original.

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Post 9983

Pat Pending

It costs £160.

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Post 9984

Pat Pending

It's horses for courses. Different batsmen like different types of bat, just like footballers like different boots, tennis players like different racquets etc. It's about getting the right bat for your style of batting, size, strength etc. Not everyone at Wimbledon plays with the same racquet.

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Post 9985


So what your saying is that the guy who makes these bats is charging different prices for a bat made with the type of wood hell that a con and theres suckers out ther think the bats are different so they go for the dearest. what mugs!

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Post 9986

Pat Pending

M&H's famous Original is hand made with the same skill as their more expensive bats with a trademark sharp spine, a big middle and a guarantee of the workmanship that goes into every M&H bat.

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Post 9987

Pat Pending

The lightest Original is 2lb 7oz.

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Post 9988

Pat Pending

The Original is not pre-knocked in, and it doesn't include a free annual service: that's why it's cheaper.

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Post 9989


What a load of rubbish!!so you think the dearest is best and the dearest will win matches Rubbish!!! total Rubbish!!!

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Post 9990

Pat Pending

I used to have an Original.

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Post 9991

Pat Pending

The 5th bat is the Prodigy.

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Post 9992

Pat Pending

It's a bat made for juniors.

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Post 9993


Annual service?I thought a good batsman like a good tradesman looked after his own tools or bats..anyway all you do is rub linseed oil on it.

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Post 9994

Pat Pending

So it's not full sized, coming instead in sizes Harrow (£110) or 4,5 or 6 (£70).

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Post 9995

Pat Pending

The Prodigy is designed to foster the correct technique in tomorrow's masters and is hand-crafted to the same spec as the Original.

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Post 9996

Pat Pending

It weighs upwards from 2lbs 3ozs (Harrow) and from 1lbs 14ozs (4, 5 & 6).

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Post 9997

Pat Pending

They also make gloves, and pads and clothes and bags.

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Post 9998


A junior bat what rubbish!!hell thats all cricketers are good for on about the bats they talk the talk..but they dont walk the walk.Anyway i would rather whatch baseball now there is a bat i reckon theres are 8 types of bat all good.anyway Pat-I'm goin' out see you tomorrow me owld mate.smiley - strawberries

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Post 9999

Pat Pending

A good bat won't win a game, but any player will be able to hit the ball further with a good bat than with a bad one.

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Post 10000

Pat Pending

10,000th post: this thread is now closed.

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