This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - bigeyes *stares at bright yellow badge back on PS*


Post 2


Hi Mort...
Just stopped by to say thanks for the pointer to Pratchett's Anonymous. And, Uh, what is this with the badges then,eh?
slightly foxed.smiley - smiley


Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi Slightly Foxed!

Thanks for dropping by. I am glad I could be of service! I know quite a few of the good pages to visit on here, but there are so many now that it is hard to keep up smiley - laugh

Ahh - the badges - what can I say. I love this site and volunteer to help out a lot! (Plus I plan to sell them off at an extortionate price when the staff aren't looking smiley - evilgrinsmiley - winkeye)

Anytime you need any help or just fancy a chat then give me a shout - I am usually lurking about!

smiley - cheers


Post 4


Cheers Mort...
And if it 'aint too prying, where abouts in Scotland do you live. I visited for the first time a couple of years back, and have now been to Aran, Stirling, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oban - with trips to Mull and Iona - heavenly! Totallysmiley - magic. I'm into walking, so I stay at Youth Hostels.
Slightly Foxed.smiley - smiley(off now a quick cup ofsmiley - tea)


Post 5


Lightweight. smiley - tongueout

smiley - bubbly

smiley - blacksheep


Post 6

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I used to live in Glasgow for a few years but have lived in Edinburgh for the last 8. It is a beautiful city but I did prefer Glasgow. I moved across the country for a job promotion.

Scotland is beautiful, I love the wildness of the countryside. I hate neatly trimmed 'pretty' country that some areas of the south have. The plants are just not the same unless they have had 2 months of frost/snow/cold, 1 month of sun and and 9 months of rain smiley - rofl

Mind you, I am not too pleased when I have to live in that weather smiley - brr


Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - laugh Jodan I have long since accepted that you will always have more badges than me!!!

Besides - I am still not sure about scouting (I will give it till Christmas to see how I get on) and I have to get through the mandatory 1 month probation for new aces if I want to keep the ace one. That means I have to be on my best behaviour! smiley - tongueout

I have also just looked at the newbie list smiley - yikes and am wondering what I have let myself in for smiley - headhurts It is just like old times!


Post 8


I didn't like subbing... Scouting is easy. And you're a natural ACE.

I'll take a look at the newbie list. I was planning on doing some writing, but we can't slump off all the ACE work on Mort like we used to, eh? smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep


Post 9

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am working myself up to it, but if I don't finish subbing the EG on Bi-directional Dimensions soon Jimster will start getting grumpy smiley - yikes


Post 10

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

"slump off all the ACE work on Mort like we used to," and that isn't true - there were at least 5 others that did them too smiley - winkeye


Post 11


"there were at least 5 others that did them too smiley - winkeye"

Hah. Five. Remarkable considering the hundreds of newbs that came in every few days post-SSO. We need a few good Morts nowadays...

smiley - blacksheep


Post 12

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Congrats - and welcome back smiley - winkeye


Post 13

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Thanks petal - I am not going to get stressed out about anything this time - or at least try not smiley - winkeye


Post 14

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I don't think that'll happen - it seems that action is (finally!) being taken on what used to be such a loverly little scheme smiley - winkeye


Post 15


smiley - musicalnote

Welcome home, weelcome...

Just enough for a light shower, eh?

I'm made up that you've returned to Aceing the poor newbies. you're just what the doctor ordered for dealing with severe cases of 'goo' etc and I'm talking from personal experience.

smiley - bubbly a little something to ease you back into the role.

ps Are there plans afoot to rename the Post? You've been taking over lately!

smiley - scientist


Post 16

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Mort.

Welcome back to the ace's, its where you belong.
Nice to have you back smiley - hug


Post 17


smiley - wow

2 pretty aces all in a row.

smiley - cuddle


Post 18

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

oo you flaterer smiley - laugh

How you doing? smiley - hug


Post 19


Not too bad.

Just been to North lake district for a few days. Got back late Friday night to find half an oak tree blocking my drive. Trying to get VFRgal and two pups and all that luggage past it in the pouring rain was deep joy. The self same tree that we asked the council to pollard thre times last year. There'll be tears when I get a day off!

Poor old H nearly drowned in a stream. He can swim but the cold caught him (and me as I had to jump in and grab him) out.

I'll do a journal when I get a chance, but suffice to say the pups are still very much the pups smiley - smiley and OR is still OR smiley - biker

Gotta go work beckons but I'll be about later cos I've yet to catch up with my ACE (Hi MOrt).

smiley - scientist


Post 20

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - wow that was a nice suprise to get back to then NOT!!

Hope the pup is now over its ordeal,

I just got a new kitten, at first thought it may have been a mistake as the big one just wouldnt take to her, but now they are best of friends and the big one looks after her, and runs to her when she cries, trying to be mum, i think its sweet when they curl up together to sleep though,
But the little ones fav sleeping place is in the chest of draws smiley - laugh dont know how she manages to get in when all the draws are shut and its in good codition smiley - laugh

Ok have fun in work.
Take care speak soon.

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