A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 1


What's this! Paully? Last Day? Already?! NOOOOoooooooo smiley - wah

Good luck Paully, Don Paul, Mr P, woteva you like to be called smiley - winkeye For a two week secondment you've been a great addition to h2g2, I think I say it for everyone when I say,


smiley - laugh

Seriously though, good luck in your new venture, don't be a stranger smiley - smiley

Matt James

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

You're in h2g2 Feedback; you need <./>Feedback-Editorial</.>.

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 3

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Or maybe you don't... What's the 'EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006' thing about?smiley - erm

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 4


*sigh* It was meant as an eye catching post, so purposefully incorrect, but thanks anyway.

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 5


Have alook at the Front Page and the little heading between the new entries and the What's Coming Up section

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 6

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Yes, spotted it; but since the thread title begins with 'EF: ' naturally what I was looking for in it were errors.

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 7


Oh smiley - bleep this.

smiley - sorry Paully. Good luck if you read this. Nice having you around.

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 8


smiley - biggrin

Yes, I'm around! And it's been a blast - it really has! smiley - ok


EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 9

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

smiley - 2cents (cookies) smiley - bluelightsmiley - run

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 10

Trin Tragula

Last day! *da da dum!!!* Is this where the party's happening then? smiley - wow

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Did someone mention a Paaaarrrrtttaaayyyy!!?? smiley - divasmiley - bubblysmiley - cracker

*hic*smiley - bubbly

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 12


TV Centre bar, from about 6pm... smiley - smiley

Sadly you won't be able to join me unless you're members of the BBC Club, but I shall raise a smiley - bubbly followed by a smiley - cider or three, then probably a couple of smiley - redwine and a smiley - stiffdrink or two before ending up decidedly smiley - drunk!


EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 13

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit waiting for the live interview smiley - biggrin

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 14

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - goodluck Paully. smiley - smiley

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 15

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

*flips through wallet looking for a BBC Club membership card*

Aha!smiley - biggrin

Drat, Margate Yacht Club.smiley - sadface

Aha!smiley - biggrin

Botheration, the ****** Club, Soho.smiley - sadface

Oh well. Try not to trash the place Don. P.

(I'll leave you alone now!)

EF: FRont Page 10 March, 2006

Post 16

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit with a smiley - coffee for Elton
"Even the Hampster is at the TV BBC bar.

Wonder how that looks like 'TV BBC bars' like this ? < A1911999 > "

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