9 Conversations

The Vessel

The Bridge

The centre of operations for the Pathfinder. From here commands are given, and the vessel is operated. The Captain can usually be found here.


The engineering section takes up almost 2/3rds of the ship's length, composing of massive engines, reactors and countless other power systems are held here. It is the most important, and often most dangerous, place to be.

The Torpedo Room

The Torpedo Room houses massive amounts of ordnance capable of destroying enemy vessels, and the firing mechanisms to use them. Fires in the Torpedo Room can be a serious threat, and must be dealt with quickly if they occur.

The Gundecks

The Gundecks comprise of countless weapon batteries, turrets and ordnance bays. It is this alone that makes them dangerous, for enemy fire may detonate the munitions, causing serious damage.

The Launch Bays

The Launch Bays house the ground support craft, interplanetary craft and interstellar attack ships. It also contains loading systems and repair facilities.

The Officer's Mess

The private dining area for the Officers of the Pathfinder. It can also be used as a rally point for repelling enemy boarding parties.

The Salvage Deck

Whenever a space battle occurs, there is bound to be salvage. The Salvage Deck is where the equipment is stored, to be either integrated into the ship, broken down for parts, or ejected back into space...

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