Vigilence: A Sci-Fi RPG

2 Conversations

NOTE: This game is based in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and so a knowledge of the Warhammer 40,000 universe (and Battlefleet Gothic in particular) is useful, but by no means essential. Changes have been made to help simplify the game. Enjoy.

A vessel out in the farthest reaches of the Imperium, seeking long lost worlds, forgotten technologies, and hidden dangers. Come aboard, and Brace for Impact.

The Vigilence is an Imperial Light Cruiser on a mission: Scout the uncharted regions to the Galactic West. No-one knows what lurks ahead, and many ships have vanished into the void without trace...

The Ship's Mission

The Ship's mission is to explore the galaxy, relaiming long forgotten worlds for the Imperium. However, Pathfinder also have many sub-missions along the way. Keep an eye on this section for the latest updates. Ideas for a new plot twist or course of action can be discussed in
The Briefing Room
Current Mission Objectives:
Explore the Starship Graveyard.
Repel the Chaos Heavy Cruiser.

The Roster

Players sign up for the Officer Cadre. They are given a Rank, Title and a job to do. It is upto them to get their men working at top efficiency, for the entire ship may depend on a little more speed, or one last Torpedo.

Also included are the NPCs, constituting countless thousands of men and women who toil to keep the ship running. They are under your command, use them well.

Ship's Captain:Captain Nibel. (Cpt).
Fleet Commissar:Commissar Karma.(N/A).
Officer of the Watch:Lieutenant Commander Mystunner (Lt. Cmdr).
Master of Arms:Lieutenant Gregg (Lt Cmdr).
Chief Engineer:Tech Mage Nerd42 (Cmdr).
Ship's Surgeon:Surgeon Kismet.(Lt).
Master of the Ordnance:Lieutenant Commander Kran (Lt. Cmdr).
Master Gunner:Lieutenant Ralph (Lt).
Assault Captain:Covert Bob (Lt).

For more information on the ship and it's crew, look at The Roster.

To sign up, then sign the Crew Roster.

The Vessel

The vessel is the Pathfinder, a Vigilence Class Light Cruiser. Its crew consists of thousands of men and women, all working to a common goal, to keep the vessel running. She is armed with a range of armaments, from Lascannon anti-Support Craft turrets, to massive Macro Cannons and Plasma Annihilators designed to destroy enemy ships. The vessel also sports six Torpedo Tubes, designed to fire 200 meter-long Plasma Torpedoes capable of crippling enemy vessels. All this firepower is nothing compared to the larger Cruisers, Battlecruisers and Battleships that exist out there, and may await any foolish enough to drift to far out into space...

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