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The Crew Lists

Ship's Captain: The Ship's Captain is in command of the vessel. It is his job to make command desicions, and to make the best use of his officers as he can. The Captain always gets the final say. RANK: Captain.
Fleet Commissar: Commissars exist to enforce Imperial Law. It is his task to ensure the Captain's orders are followed, and to execute those who do not obey them. If he believes the Captain incompetant, he has the power to relieve him off command.
Officer of the Watch: Officially, the Officer of the Watch is the Officer in charge during the night shift. However, they are often given lesser tasks as well, such as organising crew rosters and simmilar. They usually make use of the Logisticans to make this almost impossible task achievable.
Master of Arms: The Master of Arms provides weaponry for Boarding Parties, and has the task of enforcing the law amongst the faceless masses of the crew. The Master of Arms can also ovveride the Master of the Ordnance or the Gun Captain, if he believes them to be inferior.
Chief Engineer: The Chief Engineer is viewed with a mixture of fear and awe by most members of the crew. Only he truly understands the insanely complex mechanisms that keep the ship running. When it comes to the mystery of Plasma Reactors, Nuclear Ordnance or Teleporters, his word is law. Thousands of Engineers slave under his command, fighting a constant battle to keep the vessel running.
Ship's Surgeon: The Ship's Surgeon is responsible for tending the wounded. Countless Apothecaries tend to the lesser crewmen, while the Ship's Surgeon treats the Officers. Sometimes there are not enough medical staff to go around, and the Surgeon must decide which men live, and which are left to die.
Master of the Ordnance: The Master of the Ordnance is responsible for commanding the support craft onboard ship. On vessels equipped with Torpedoes, the Master of Ordnance is also in charge of the Torpedo Room too. The support craft range from shuttles to bombers, and he is responsible for making sure the vessels are always ready for action.
Master Gunner: The Master Gunner is in command of the Gun Decks. It is his task to ensure they maintain a steady rate of fire, and directs fire as best he can. On the enormous scale space battles take place on, pin-point accuracy is nigh on impossible, but the Gun Captain can give targetting orders on general areas of a ship, such as the prow or engines. He has overall command of the Gunners.
Gun Captains: Gun Captains report to the Master Gunner, and are responsible for keeping their Gunnery teams firing at optimal efficiency.
Ratings: Ratings attend to tasks that need brawn, not brains, such as hauling shells or clearing debris. They also form Boarding Parties.
Navigator: The Navigator is responsible for guiding the ship through the Warp, a strange and fickle other-world. Without Warp travel, interstellar flight would be impossible, and without the Navigator, Warp travel would be suicide.
Indentured Workers: Penal Colonists forced to work onboard ships to atone for their crimes. These are the lowest of the low, used for dangerous and undesirable tasks, such as cleaning lavatories, acting as human shields in Boarding Actions and getting left on the wrong side of an emergency bulkhead.
Servitors: Covered in bionic enhancements, and their higher brain functions erased, Servitors perform simple tasks without independent thought, such as monitoring simple systems, basic maintainence checks and countless other tasks. Some may operate weapons on Support Craft, while others are little more than living computer banks.
Logisticans: Countless Logisticans monitor the flow of technical data aboard ship, and assist in calculating ship velocity, inertia effects and weapon fire arcs. If you need a brain, borrow theirs.
Astropaths: Powerful Psykers who can send psychic messages through space, Astropaths are common, yet invaluable Psykers, without which communication across the galaxy would be impossible.
Engineers: The Engineers fight a constant war to keep thousands of systems running, as well as making up Boarding Parties. They may also help Apothecaries stitch people back together again by providing bionics.

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