A Conversation for h2g2 enter the Football League!

The Season's End Approaches

Post 1

Mu Beta

Hi Team,

Sorry about the longish break - I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again.

So, we pick up where we left off - lots of exciting news, thankfully.

Titania injured in training means a two week lay-off; Chris is drafted in on the left-wing as cover. This seems to work as we roll over Leyton Orient 2-0 (Ekki, Broelan)

Oom and Ferino are both delighted to be called up to the Northern Ireland B-Team. Hebe is again called up for the Swiss U21's.

Trailing 2-0 from Huddersfield from the first leg of the Vans (N) final, we don't really put our hearts into the return leg and go down 1-0. Reports from the coaching staff say that Ekki is not trying hard enough in training. As a punishment he is dropped from the starting line-up in favour of Dolt. A potential minefield away to Macclesfield is avoided as we win 3-1 (Ellen 2, Oom).

Our players earn their first international recognition, although neither of them are particularly proud. Ferino is sent off in a 3-0 defeat against Wales B, while Hebe puts in a poor performance as captain as the Swiss U21s go down to the Greek U21s by the same scoreline.

Flanker strains his groin in training, giving our young starlet Temporal Bandit a chance at the first team. Chris has been under performing and so is dropped, giving Bob the Farmer a long-awaited chance at a first team spot too. They play in both the 1-0 victory over Rochdale (Belle) and the 2-0 victory over Kidderminster (Ellen 2).

The team go into the home match with Bristol Rovers knowing that if they win they are guaranteed a play-off berth. Thankfully, the results is never in doubt as Bristol Rovers lie down and we win 2-0 (Perseus 2).

There are only six games left in the season. Can h2g2 win the third division and go on to better things? The answer is coming soon...


The Season's End Approaches

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - injured

I want to play, I want to - ouch! *limping*

The Season's End Approaches

Post 3


* looks forward to a free transfer to Yeovil Town smiley - erm *

The Season's End Approaches

Post 4

Mu Beta

I think Yeovil is frankly a bit optimistic. I think you might just sit in the reserves until you retire or I offer you a coaching position.

The Danish 'GreyDesk' looks very similar to the Sewdish one, to my untrained eye.smiley - erm


The Season's End Approaches

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

GreyDesk looks very similar in both Swedish, Danish and Norwegian - that's why the people in those countries sometimes manage to understand each other even when everyone just speaks their own langugage... *tries to think of other languages with the same similarities*

...I might be wrong, but I think that Italians and Spaniards can understand each other too, with some limitations...

The Season's End Approaches

Post 6


I've never had a Swedish one, nor a Sewdish one for that matter. I was vaguely Norwegian for a while though smiley - smiley

The Season's End Approaches

Post 7


Are you sure that I stained my groin while training smiley - loveblushsmiley - winkeye

smiley - surfer

The Season's End Approaches

Post 8

Mu Beta

You do mean 'strained', don't you?smiley - laughsmiley - laugh


The Season's End Approaches

Post 9


smiley - yikes Yes smiley - blush

smiley - surfer

The Season's End Approaches

Post 10


did i read that correctly up there that i've scored a goal that wasn't a penalty shot? smiley - wow

The Season's End Approaches

Post 11

Mu Beta

You did indeed. Came up on the back post for a corner, if I remember correctly.smiley - ok


The Season's End Approaches

Post 12

Number Six

Hello.. just subscribing here to see how the season went in retrospect. Italians and Spaniards can understand each other to a certain extent - my girlfriend is Italian and she can... also, when she was staying in Madrid recently and I had to go and meet her, I rung up the (cheap!) hotel to find the woman there didn't speak English. I speak very little Spanish. However, I had the brainwave of trying to say what I wanted in my limited Italian, and it worked a treat.

smiley - mod

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