A Conversation for SG-2: Research and Development

Death Glider

Post 1

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

We have gotten a death glider from P3X489, I would like if you can try and upgrade it with missiles and such find out what makes it tick so maybe we can make a few of our own. Oh and of course scan the craft to see if it has a fail safe device just incase it thinks of going home to its god.

Death Glider

Post 2


would it not be a good idea to let SG-8 fit it out with missiles and SG-2 check it for fail safes? if we obtain/build enough of these maybe i should create a hangar and eventually we can add another team to the SGC.

Death Glider

Post 3

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Alright, SG-2 please try and check for fail safes, and see waht you can do.

Death Glider

Post 4


I'll get some missles fitted on it, what are you going to use it for? (so i can fit it with the right missles for the job)

Death Glider

Post 5

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

You may fit the death glider with any kind of missiles. If you want you can make the gliders missile aramament. We also might begin mass production of the gliders but right now I don't think we have enough materials to fit it yet.

Death Glider

Post 6

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Dragantha please take your stuff to the Armory and any upgrades you can to the Death Glider.

Death Glider

Post 7

Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector

*after a long absence*
will do so ...
bit of a priv problem as well.....
mom got hospitilised ...
well for a day or to
she had a bad crash with her bycicle ... *

Death Glider

Post 8


sorry to hear that hope she gets well soon.

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