A Conversation for SG-2: Research and Development
New Weapon.
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Started conversation Mar 20, 2003
Hello, I'm from SG-7, and we've found a really cool thingie to use against the enemy. It is a substance known as Cesium. It explodes on contact with most liquids.
New Weapon.
creachy Posted Mar 20, 2003
excellent. how do we deliver it. i susoect it would be most useful in a planted devise such as a bomb. we could use it as a trigger substance. how powerful is it's combustion. maybe we could dilute fuel with it and use it in vehicles or deathgliders?
New Weapon.
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Posted Mar 21, 2003
No, it actually explodes. Like sodium, but many times worse. We where thinking along the lines of: put it iun their sugarbowls, so when they put it in their the cup would explode in their faces.
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New Weapon.
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