A Conversation for The Darwin Awards

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 21


You're quite right, it's my browser that's wrong here. Although I am a bit confused by why dna bothers converting GuideML stuff into weird HTML with gifs and tags all over the shop when it could just use HTML's own very reliable mechanism....

Oh well, guess they have an answer for me...

I still think you should change "REFERENCES" to "References", btw.

Keep up the good work! smiley - ok

~ smiley - towel

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 22


Using a few horizontal rules is acceptable, according to <./>Subeditors-GuideML#HR</.> smiley - spacesmiley - smiley

My smiley - 2cents:

- Linking to the entry on IgNobel prizes (A973677). This can be linked to as, although it is Pending just now, the same A-number will be used when it becomes Edited.

- Changing "There are prizes for the worst: Worst Dressed Person prizes." to "There are prizes for the worst, such as the Worst Dressed Person prizes."

- Changing the link text "www.darwinawards.com" to "The Official Darwin Awards website" and removing the Reference at the bottom of the article

- "before he removes his genes for incompetence from the human gene pool, or one who manages to survive his stupidity is of no use to human evolution." There should be an extra comma between "stupidity" and "is"

- The page linked to on "breeding" might be better linked to later in the sentence, on the words "the case of the man who gave himself a lobster vasectomy"

- rationalize > rationalise

Well done! smiley - biggrin

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 23


thanks rho! smiley - biggrin maybe next time i should get you to come over and proofread my stuff before i submit? smiley - winkeye i'll go change those bits in a sec... hang on -

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 24

Gordon, Ringer of Bells, Keeper of Postal Codes and Maps No One Can Re-fold Properly

A comprehensive entry! smiley - smiley

One discrepancy I noticed was in example #3. The chap was sawing open the hand grenade with a circular saw, not a chain saw.

Cheers! smiley - stout

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 25


fixed that! thanks, gordon.

(by the way, though, wouldn't it be funnier IF he *had* used a chainsaw to open the grenade? i can see it now... 'man tries to open grenade with chainsaw, inadvertently saws off leg; grenade's pin falls out in the meantime, blowing man and saw to kingdom come')

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 26


> thanks rho! smiley - biggrin maybe next time i should get you to come over and proofread my stuff before i submit? smiley - winkeye i'll go change those bits in a sec... hang on -

No problem smiley - ok I'd be happy to, or I could always proofread in PR... smiley - winkeye


A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 27


by the way, rho, there's this question i've been meaning to ask for *yoinks* (and i don't think it violates h2g2 rules)...

why three letters of the greek alphabet and a q? smiley - erm

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 28


One point - what about the Cult of Father Darwin?

The Darwin Awards are well known to the CoFD for nicking their ideas wholesale, and I seem to recall that someone offlist, possibly to do with the Darwin Awards, has been sued for copyright theft by at least one of the members. So I'm afraid she didn't have the idea first - she has just become better known because the Cult of Father Darwin mailing list is rather vicious and you have to be pretty dedicated to find it and stay on it.


The text is currently unavailable from the website, so I guess JPM has thrown another wobbly about something, but there is an autoresponder address there.


A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 29


> why three letters of the greek alphabet and a q?

It definitely doesn't violate the House Rules - I've been asked before! smiley - laugh

On the day I registered, I was completely stuck for inspiration so I randomly put down some Greek letters and a "q" - I meant to change the name later but it stuck! smiley - biggrin


A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 30

Caveman, Evil Unix Sysadmin, betting shop operative, and SuDoku addict (Its an odd mix, but someone has to do it)

Hi Farlander,

I think there is an 'A' missing in your link to the IgNobel page. Without the 'A' it just bounces onto the front page.

Thanks for the IgNobel link

Also, i'd make a couple of minor changes, but that might just be me. I'd change 'piss' to 'urine', and 'children who get fried' is just asking to be re-worded.

PS. The daily express recently described the awards as 'sick'; I guess that's the press for you..

A978889 - The Darwin Awards

Post 31


ravenbait - would you believe it, i've never *heard* of the cult of father darwin (i must get out more often). hang on, i'll go over and check it out and see if there's anything i can add to my article. thanks!

jim - thanks for alerting me to the missing A! (that's what happens when you bung in tags in a hurry) re: the link to the igs - you're welcome. i think the darwins and the igs should go hand-in-hand, after all... i must agree that 'fried' is somewhat offensive and tasteless, and have therefore changed it.

rho - why not phibetakappa? smiley - winkeye

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 32

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 33


Well done!smiley - bubbly

A very worthwhile addation to the guide.


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 34

Witty Ditty


smiley - bubbly

Stay smiley - cool,

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 35


Well done! smiley - bubbly


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 36

Caveman, Evil Unix Sysadmin, betting shop operative, and SuDoku addict (Its an odd mix, but someone has to do it)

I'd share a drink with you, but unfortunately, I've had my quota already. I'll get one in for next time... Hmm. methinks I'm starting to get a reputation around here...

Caveman Jim

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 37


well, jim, an smiley - oj won't get you inebriated, surely? (ok, so maybe it's not half as fun, so i'll mix you a non-alcoholic drink: smiley - ojsmiley - milksmiley - tomatosmiley - strawberry)

to all the rest who have come by, thanks! please collect your smiley - bubbly - but don't let jim have any!

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

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