Suitability of Content on h2g2
Created | Updated Jul 30, 2003
We would like to thank the Community for their feedback on the prototype grid system as outlined below. As the balance of the views of the Community seem to be against this system, we have decided not to develop it any further. The Editorial team will be looking at a variety of other ways for making sure that content on h2g2 continues within the policies and guidelines of the BBC.
Following recent decisions to remove a number of pieces of edited and non-edited content, and the ensuing discussions, we've come to the decision that further guidance on the suitability of some of the content might be useful to Researchers.
Ultimately, the h2g2 Editors and the BBC are responsible for the content on this site, and the final decision must rest with them. However, we'd value your input in defining a framework around which we can establish some guidelines. We hope that these guidelines, once they've been created, can offer some basic parameters regarding the type of subject areas which might be more likely to be failed.
This doesn't mean that every entry within a particular content type will be failed, it's just that entries within areas we consider to be high risk will be subject to greater scrutiny and may be removed, at the discretion of the BBC.
A debate around the suitability of each and every Entry in the Guide is unfeasible. We've therefore established a prototype grid system in order to help us identify the potentially problematic content areas.
Down the left-hand column you'll find topic areas - we've listed a few that may possibly be more contentious than others - but please feel to suggest more and we may add them to the table.
Across the top are the content types. Obviously one topic may in fit in more than one content type, in that an article on sexual practice could be both explicit and dangerous, or an article on drugs could be both factual and humorous. We consider that we'd generally fail the former (hence its red status) and pass the latter (hence the green status), but as always each and every Entry in any area would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, we're just establishing guidelines.
We've created this table to highlight the potentially problematic areas. It is a work in progress.
What we'd like you to do is help us to identify other topic areas and content types that could cause concern and help us to evaluate whether they are:
High risk areas (red): most of the content that falls within this area would come under immediate review. There is a high risk of it being unsuitable Guide content.
Medium risk areas (amber): content that falls within this area would be subject to review and may, or may not, be suitable.
Low risk areas (green): likely to be suitable.
Factual/Educational | Explicit | Humorous | Historical | Dangerous | |
Sexual Practice | Amber | Red | Amber | Amber | Red |
Drugs | Amber | Red | Amber | Green | Red |
Illegal Activity | Amber | Red | Amber | Amber | Red |
Posing a Risk to Health | Red | Red | Red | Amber | Red |
Open to Abuse | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber |
Inadvisable | Amber | Red | Red | Amber | Red |
Violence | Amber | Red | Red | Amber | Red |
We'd like you to work with us and discuss this table and how it could and should be extended to cover all relevant topic areas, and content types. We will be monitoring the debate and will collate the Community's views over the next few weeks.
For the Community's information, here's a reminder of the BBC's producer guidelines which anyone who creates content for the BBC needs to comply with. There's a special section dealing with online and interactive content, available (NB it's in PDF format). The Community might like to read these guidelines, and keep them in mind when discussing the criteria for whether entries and conversations are suitable for this site.
The h2g2 Editors