A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

AggGag/CAC on patrol

Post 1

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

This forum would be imcomplete without some acknowlegdement of the efforts made by the Founding Fodders of <./>AggGag</.>/CAC

tonsil revenge - U186749
Subcom.Deidzoeb - U96220
Lucinda - U129960
Spaceman Spiff - U185155
Sir Bossel - U132240
and myself ~jwf~ U162344

We hope to continue bringing you a fresh approach to h2g2 in very issue of smiley - thepost

for CAC- the Committe for Alien Content, a division of <./>AggGag</.>

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