A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Perfect Job

The wrong question..

Post 21


Just because you don't mind doing something for nothing, doesn't mean everyone is like that. An awful lot of people are just out for what they can get.

Plus, what would we do for doctors and nurses? We're short of them as it is and if people wouldn't have to work a lot of people wouldn't want to do all that training to become a doctor (and who would train them?!). There's no way I'd want anything other than a fully-qualified human as my doctor...

smiley - panda

The wrong question..

Post 22


...spend a third of your life working.. Go on a two week holiday in spain..

Thats gonna depend on how hard you work, intelligence, etc..

If people have a nine-five job at minimum wage there is a reason for that..

People who run companies and earn £80,000 plus or whatever. Theres a reaon for that..

Jobless, homeless, benefit seaking (I want to get money for free, have you got some spare change bums) there are reasons for all of them aswell..

Its a good thing Better people have better jobs and can afford better things.. Why should people that want everything for nothing get the same as me(Someone who busts his @ss at his job to afford good things)? And to rely on something that could fail with the greatest of ease is just suicide in my opinion..

So you don't get payed at all for doing your job do you??

And who is going to manufacture the first robots.. If in a few years, months, weeks whatever the money they get payed wouldn't mean jack. Or would they have to wait until things were free while other people have payed for their holidays, cars, games consoles, preasents etc??

The wrong question..

Post 23



You make the best points so far. The healthcare problem is something I am currently working on for my book. I have a number of solutions, none of which I am completly happy with. So I can't give you an answer on that.


"So you don't get payed at all for doing your job do you??"

I haven't told you anything about my job. I simply stated that I have volunteered for many things and I enjoy it.

"And who is going to manufacture the first robots.."

A factory where people get paid.

As for the rest of your post, well, I don't think I'm going to dignify it with a response. Most people would find it highly offensive.

The wrong question..

Post 24


I don't know why anyone would find them offensive unless they didn't understand them. 'I'm not going to dignify it with a response' Not surprising really beacause your responses so far have been... smiley - laugh Well you wrote them so you know..

Maybe you'll have better luck with someone else....

The wrong question..

Post 25


At the risk of being moderated...

As your name suggests, your ignorance is indeed 'limitless'.

The wrong question..

Post 26


Oooo... Wit (Or something).. I think your name is more fitting to you though smiley - laugh

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