A Conversation for Talking Point: What do you think about h2g2?

What do I think...?

Post 1

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

First of all, I discovered h2g2 quite by accident some time last October. I started nosing around, quickly became fascinated by what I saw and decided to become a member of the community. I usually visit once a day, when I get home from work in the evening but at the weekends and during holidays, I'm in and out all the time. What I like most is that I've met some very interesting people here and also the fact that the guide entries cover such a wide range of topics, there's always something I want to comment on.

I'm hooked on the word association threads and the four word posting thread and I've just discovered Word Play in The Post which I will now take part in every week. The thing is that it's such a vast site, there's so much to see that I'm still finding my way around and every day I come across something new. At the weekend I had great fun at the Lders bar: Party room and I'll probably make another visit there soon.

As for changing anything, I really don't think I would but on the other hand I'm not a member of any other community so I don't know how they compare to h2g2.

Congratulations to everyone for making this place what it is! smiley - ok

What do I think...?

Post 2

lw - ck

I used to... Then collective stole my heart


What do I think...?

Post 3

several, a/k/a random

i bought a newer confuser back in july/august '02, found this website referenced thru msnbc.com where i get my daily dose of more than enough news, weather and sports. i have found i can write/talk to people here, have extremely great long-distance conversations with people i would prob'ly never meet in Real Life.
the only other chat site i visit is the cleveland indians fan forum, where i also have e-talked to folks from the U.K. just as i tripe to y'all here, right now.
and there's always more i can read about here and enjoy, especially all your differing 'my space' writings. sometimes, that's all i read.
smiley - musicalnote

What do I think...?

Post 4

Mister Matty

I was pestered to become a Researcher by DoctorGonzo, who I knew from MUDing at college. After a great deal of persistance ("I don't see "Zagreb" amongst this weeks new researchers") it paid off and I signed up in July of 2001.

It took me a few weeks to get my "feel" for the place (and I started on an entry almost immediately - the forever-delayed "Byzantine Empire" entry) and after the September 2001 terrorist attacks the feel of the place changed a little, but this quickly became one of my homes on the Internet.

In November I went to an h2g2 mini-meet in Glasgow (a day before the Scottish November 2001 meet-up which I couldn't attend) and met DoctorGonzo (at last), a Girl Called Ben and W****E.

I met DoctorGonzo again in April of 2002, this time accompanied by two other researchers - fords_prefect and Lost in Scotland (who has since changed his name). I went to my first h2g2 meet proper in May of the same year and have never really looked back.

I've even succeeded in making two RL friends join up - Nizzy and Eldudarino. Another mate, Scott, was "scared off" by some Meet pictures smiley - laugh.

I like this place for lots of reasons. It's made me some friends, it's given me a place to "mouth off" about things, it's a good place to try and find things out and I often read the Post and the new Editied Entries.

What don't I like about it? "number researchers" entering conversations on serious subjects and subjecting us all to studenty "radical" drivel (the worst being a case after the September 2001 terrorist attacks, which I won't go into, suffice to say it still makes me smiley - cross). Oh, and the Moderators can often be over-zealous, not least in the current climate.

So overall, three cheers for hootoo

hip, hip, HUZZAH! smiley - cheers

Zagreb smiley - stout

What do I think...?

Post 5

several, a/k/a random

perhaps the fact that there WAS a 'doctor gonzo' that posted here, zagreb, helped me join the h2g2 community.

What do I think...?

Post 6

Loup Dargent

>At the weekend I had great fun at the Lders bar: Party room and I'll probably make another visit there soon.<

smiley - cheers dancinglady... nice to know you enjoyed your visit..smiley - cool i'm just butting in to add the link: The FoLDers Arms [aka the LDers bar] A913150 ... hopefully not seen as a shameless plug...smiley - whistle

i'll come back later with further contributions to this convo...

talk soon...smiley - surfer


What do I think...?

Post 7

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Hello Loup,

I had great fun at the party room. Will probably go back for some more..... smiley - winkeye

Must dash

See you anon...

dl smiley - run

What do I think...?

Post 8

Loup Dargent

smiley - run

as you must have guessed most of my time is spend around the LDers space [ U201567 ] and its projects such as the FoLDers Arms, the LDers Quotes section [ A909010 ], the new tea shop ['ye oLDe tea shoppe'] etc as well as helping newbies who landed on here from our old site [LeisureDistrict]...

why?!... because of the team work that goes on there... while Mr manda and i are the co-founders of the Friends of LeisureDistrict, it would never have been such a success without the incredible work put into it by many other LDers and [very important] non-LDers...

with more ACEs and GURUs aware of the limitations experienced by many LDers [most of us access h2g2 through a set-top TV called digibox] on here and their willingness to help them get the specific info they need... our little online community is now more and more a part of the whole hootoo one...smiley - cool
and some of the new LDers projects which are due to soon be opened reflect this as well...smiley - disco

how many hours a day do i spend on hootoo?!: an average of 10 hours a day seems to be the right amount... lots of people to talk to... some backlogs that need to be checked... some projects that need to be updated etc.. and of course lots of lurking...smiley - biggrin

i do lurk on <./>Askh2g2</.>, i sometimes contribute on some serious subjects and sometimes on less serious ones...smiley - smiley

my favourites threads would have to be the "lets parlez franglais" [which i have neglected lately...smiley - cry] and the ones having to do with Deja Vu...smiley - whistle

comparing h2g2 to my old site, i would say it is different but in a good way... i still feel wary about the fact that anything i say on here can be read by anyone [even if they're not registred to hootoosmiley - yikes] but. i'm getting used to it eventually...smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

What do I think...?

Post 9

Loup Dargent

smiley - run last posting before i leave you in peace...smiley - biggrin

the tea bar ['ye oLDe tea Shoppe']number is: A1017028

i do hope that it doesn't sound to much like some kind of shameless plug, i do spend a lot of time around the LDers space and so do many other ex-LDers and non LDers [the fact that the FoLDers Arms is regularly listed in the 5 busiest convos backing me up hopefully]... it is definitely an important part of my life on hootoo...smiley - smiley

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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