A Conversation for Talking Point: What do you think about h2g2?

I wubble hootoo

Post 1


I love the Campsite as well as the blood of the zaphodistas
i visit at least once a day, often twice. last year i spent at least 4 hours a day on h2g2. If i think of anymore things, I'll let you know!

I wubble hootoo

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Only four hours a day. I log in when I arrive at work and log out when I leave and sometimes spend even longer on it at night.

But then I am Demon Drawer, I'm an h2g2 addict, I have responded to a thread for...damn...pressed the post message button.

I wubble hootoo

Post 3


smiley - yikes!
school prevents me from spending too much time on here, and yes, i would have to agree that you are a h2g2 addict, i think it would be advisable to seek help soon.... maybe thats what this whole talking point is about, figuring out who needs assistance.... you are going to be targeted soon with anti hootoo campaigns!

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