A Conversation for Talking Point: How Did You Discover the HHGTTG?
I was ten...
Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again Started conversation Mar 5, 2003
... and found the radio scripts in my parent's stuff... I thought that's all there was! When I was twelve I was in a little one room library in Oracle, Arizona, and ran across the books. I read the first three books over and over for the entirety of being stranded in Oracle. When I got to Las Cruces, I bought the next two at a local used bookstore, where I could buy a book, read it, trade for another book... I reread the entire series.
When I was twelve and had poison ivy so bad, they played the BBC production on the t.v., and I watched it through boily puffy little eye slits, and laughed so hard I almost forgot how itchy I was.
I remember that I felt a little less weird knowing that other people must've found the books funny and related to them. I was turning thirteen, bumming around the southwest with my folks, and all the sudden I met Arthur and Ford and realized that sometimes you just can't get the hang of Thingdays, and you may not know where you're towel is, but can still be a hoopy frood who can relax and enjoy the cosmos. Parents might not understand you, you may not be popular... Don't Panic, have a good laugh and find the people who know why they're laughing.
I thought being a researcher for the guide would be a great job... too bad there was no such thing as the guide...
Mid-highschool, Dirk Gently was my hero... holistic detective in ridiculous red floppy hat doesn't end up where he wanted, but where he needed to be... how great is that? Douglas Adams would have loved my group of friends.
I found h2g2 from it's blurb in Salmon of Doubt... kinda helped me get over DNA's death... how does one replace that kind of imagination? You can't... I miss him. But guess what? I'm a researcher here at the Guide... still procrastinating my first entry ... I feel more like Ford and less like Arthur these days, although I'm past the point where I need to be either all the time. I make my friends read the book, and it's getting more popular than the Pythons around campus (not bad for kids who had never heard of DNA or HHGTTG before this year.
And guess what... here's my .
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I was ten...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."