A Conversation for Talking Point: How Did You Discover the HHGTTG?

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Post 1

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

...No, really! (Well, the first 3 anyway)

My dad, stepmom, stepsisters and I were down at my Grandpa Hopper's, and Dad had Restaurant at the End of the Universe and Life the Universe and Everything. The books got passed around, and I got hold of Life first. Then I read Restaurant. I didn't get my hands on a copy of HHTTGG for over 5 yearssmiley - yikes So Long and Thanks for all the Fish and Mostly Harmless I read in the regular order...

Before finding h2g2, I'd heard vaguely that HHTTGG was a radio series, and my husband (then boyfriend) had a copy of the text game, at which I got thoroughly stuck. No, I don't remember at which point, though I do think I got onto the Heart of Gold... (It was almost 7 years ago--would *you* remember?) But I'd not known there was a TV show until I got here...

Read it backwards...

Post 2

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

ah, the text game... most frustrating yet addictive thing I know... I never got off the Vogon ship. Grr.

smiley - fairy

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