A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 1


The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 2

Researcher 220282

mmmmmmmm smiley - oksmiley - smiley

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 3


its for werekitty.. her idea

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 4


Need an ego adjustment smiley - wah

actually i need an ego!

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 5


the roof, the roof, the roof is on firesmiley - biggrin

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 6


err and?

where did she put the egos ?

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 7


your tag line is from the Bloodhound gang songsmiley - ok

just read your post and you need a big cheerupsmiley - biggrin lets create an ego for you.

*magically changes into a pinstripe suit sitting behind a desk and looking all salesman like*

what kind of an ego were you looking for?

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 8


And it took you a week to realise that? smiley - erm

wat sort of ego? any! i dont have one fullstop..reason to have one in the first place might be good too ..

tis hopeles smiley - groan

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 9


*adjusts glasses and types into his computer*

ah, what you need is the bulk standard ego package. apply the cream to the forehead every morning as soon as you wake up. what will happen is you will grow an ego. you will be proud of everything you do and no-one will be bettersmiley - biggrin

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 10


Wrong type of ego..smiley - sadface

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 11


thanks anyway smiley - footprints

The Ego Readjustment centre..

Post 12


No luck with that Ego?
still need one..or failing that a lobotomy .

ive forgotton all the codes for my page n the damn box keeps packing in..updated my bloody arse! smiley - wah

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