A Conversation for Chat Rooms

Thank you

Post 1

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Dearest Dave, I'd just like to say Thank you for what you wrote in your Guide Entry about chat rooms. I agree totally about the fact we only ever hear the negative stuff about chat rooms. As you know I've used chat rooms a lot and I have met some wonderful people and made some special friends. Of all those people, you and your family are the most special to me and I will always be grateful that our paths crossed.
I'd also like to say that I am so grateful for all the times you have been there for me. You have supported me in times of sadness and done your best to lift my spirits many, many times. You never fail to make me smiley - smiley and I swear you are the kindest person I have ever known.
So Dave, thank you for what you wrote. It means a lot to me. I'm glad I helped you and I'm glad we met, via that chat room. It was the start of our Forever Friendship.
smiley - love ya lots,
Huge smiley - hug's
Caroline. smiley - angel

Thank you

Post 2

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

A smiley - rose for the smiley - angel that led me back form the brink of who knows what.
HUGE smiley - cuddle's and smiley - smooch's

From David.

Thank you

Post 3


u know u r sweet asl plz?

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