Chat Rooms

3 Conversations

Why is it that the media always latch on to bad things that happen because of a meeting in a chat room.

I have heard of people becoming close friends, and even marrying after meeting in such a way.

When my younger Sister, who was very close to me died, I suffered from depression, although I didn't know it at the time. I had lost all my interests in life, and I know now that for my family, life with me was becoming unbearable.

Then we got cable TV. Interactive did not interest me much, I played games, even looked at chat rooms, and thought, "No, this is not for me, I could not take part in this."

I did however talk to one or two people, and one evening, I was strangely drawn to the name Caroline400.

We began to exchange a daily message, and she and I got on really well, and gradually I began to realise how depressed I had been because of how nice it was to talk to my new found friend.

Soon my family saw a difference in me, and I began to live again.

All Caroline400 did was to be herself, and she and I became very good friends.

I will always be grateful to Leisure District, and the Family Room in LD, for giving me the chance to meet my Forever Friend, and I can never repay Caroline400 for leading me from the darkness of despair, and into the shining light

She will always be an Angel to me.

So don't let anyone knock chat rooms, they are not all bad.

Dave M

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