A Conversation for Chat Rooms

Alternative Writing Workshop: A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 1

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Entry: Chat Rooms - A945696
Author: Dave M - U206449

Everything I have written here is the truth.

A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 2


Hi Dave,

I have no doubt that what you say is true. There are many people that can tell a similar story, myself included.

However, there are people that will exploit something good for their own evil ends and you should be aware of them. Sadly, the media do tend to dwell on the less savoury aspects of human interaction to the exclusion of some of the posetive aspects.


A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 3

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I know you're right Stuart, it's a sad aspect of today's world.


A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 4

a girl called Ben

*waves to Stuart*

I know of many good relationships, some romantic, some not, some long-lasting, some not, which have come about through chat rooms. And h2g2 itself has been a very important part of my life, particularly while I was away from home for a long time last year.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Dave.

a girl called Ben

A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 5


Hi everyone.

This makes a good point. I don't know about it myself, but I can certainly understand it.

Thanks for posting it here.

smiley - blacksheep

A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 6


Nice and heartfelt but it has been here a long time.

Suggesting a move.

A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 7

LL Waz

Heartfelt and led to some nice postings, but it's had two years and I can't see where it might go from here.
So seconded.

A945696 - Chat Rooms

Post 8

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi dave you ok

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