A Conversation for The Sporkites

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 141


How about different colored smiley - spork's!?
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 142

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 143

Darth Zaphod

too technical?

DZsmiley - planet

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 144

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

No, keep on going smiley - winkeye

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 145

Lady Scott

I have white ones, in several different styles, black ones, a huge navy blue one and a tan one in the same size, plus my titanium smiley - spork

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 146

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Hello LS! Would you like to join?smiley - biggrin

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 147

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Hey! We're ment to BEAT No no no!! not the other way round! Everyone get their friends to join as nothing seems to be happening!smiley - smiley

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 148

Darth Zaphod

I want a spork! someone wanna send me a spork? Oh, I'd also like an H2G2 shirt--anyone wanna gimme one of those?

DZsmiley - planet

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 149


You already have a smiley - spork!!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 150

Lady Scott

smiley - sporks are readily available at KFC... and I think someone said they use them at Taco Bell too.

My titanium spork came from a place on the web - do a google search for titanium spork and click on something that mentions snowpeak. I think it's on backcountry.com or something like that.

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 151

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - sporkheaven! smiley - spork

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 152

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!


I, personally am outraged, I have been gone for nigh on 5 days and there is not even a PAGE of backlog...

How must we expect to gain respect like this? For shame my fellow Sporkites, for shame.

RMFsmiley - cry

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 153

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Hey! I answered EVERY posting! smiley - cross

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 154

Lady Scott

I answered a few.

And lurked a lot.

And told people where they can find real smiley - sporks, which is vitally important, so maybe they're all at KFC and TacoBell getting their smiley - sporks?

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 155

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I think I've got some stainless steel smiley - sporks lurking in a drawer somewhere.

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 156

Lady Scott

Really? Where'd you find *them*?

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 157

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I don't know. There my mum's

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 158

Lady Scott

How odd.

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 159

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)


Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 160

Lady Scott

I've seen directions for making your own sporks from metal spoons, most likely stainless steel ones...

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