A Conversation for The Sporkites

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 101

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - zzz

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 102


smiley - sporkHello all you sporkites!! smiley - spork
smiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - spork
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 103

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Hello Chauncey smiley - biggrin! Having fun?smiley - smiley

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 104


Yes I am; well...on H2G2 yes...but in RL no, I am in school and it is very boring.
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 105

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

SCHOOL!smiley - wah Don't speak to me about school...smiley - laugh

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 106


I hate school!!! It is so boring and tiring and just well...school!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 107

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

I do well but...smiley - grr
WHY???smiley - wah

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 108

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

school is great, its when you have to start thinking about jobs/work and things that it really* sucks smiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - scientistsmiley - spork

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 109

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!


I am back from exams!

RMFsmiley - artist

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 110

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Which was it today, and how do you think you've done <?> smiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - scientistsmiley - spork

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 111

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Exams for me soon...smiley - sadface

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 112

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I like exams smiley - smileysmiley - ermsmiley - weirdsmiley - sporksmiley - sporksmiley - scientistsmiley - spork

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 113

Darth Zaphod

Trigonometry can die...chemistry can die...Spanish III can die...SCHOOL CAN DIE <devil) I HATE IT...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh...by the way..smiley - sporksmiley - spork <-fulfilling my minimum daily reqirementssmiley - winkeye

DZsmiley - planet

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 114

Darth Zaphod

NUT that's supposed to be a smiley - devil not <devil) cuz I'm STUPID.

DZsmiley - planet

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 115

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!

Where does the NUT come in all of this?

RMFsmiley - artist

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 116


Yeah school isn't fun. I will give you reasons: 1) First of all my Chem teacher is the smiley - devil; not joking; she seriously is the scariest woman on the planet 2) Algebra II is horrible; my teacher has no idea what he is doing and it really sucks 3) English is all right until we start Grammar and Writing; I guess that only leaves litature but hey that is what I am good at 4) There are many more but I don't feel like listing them so I will stop.
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 117

Darth Zaphod

I'll finish FOR YOU my fine RL friend:

TRIG=hell. bad bad class.
CHEM=ok, but frightening.
ENGLISH=too many notes
BAND=we played Star Wars WAAAAAY TOO SLOW
HISTORY=nearly fall asleep every single day
SPANISH=stupid teacher...can't understand her
JOURNALISM=*shrug* not much to do until you actually start your pages then when you get done the computer CRASHES ON YOU and you lose ALL OF YOUR WORK *breathing* ok, I'm ok...

there. that's about it.

DZsmiley - planet

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 118

RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391!

[Sitting in corned smoking a cigarette, eyes covered by the shadow of his hat rim]Heh you think you have an evil chemistry teacher, you fools havent expereinced...him...

RMFsmiley - fullmoon

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 119


No you have no idea. She really is scary. She likes to call us stupid and yell at us when we ask questions. Oh well I guess I will have to deal with it.
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Lets beat out NO! NO! NO!

Post 120

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - sadfacesmiley - hugsmiley - ok

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