A Conversation for The Nightblade Regiment
Nightblade Barracks
spook Posted Mar 2, 2003
1. a court marshall is a tril in an army because of a crime, not a punishment.
2. it does not matter if it is important or not. is it important you control every lst part of the quest? the fact is i am in charge.
3. the a fictional army situation tow ork, you ahve to play by the rules, which means following orders, obeying the people abo you etc. don't do that, it just plain don't work.
Nightblade Barracks
Mystrunner Posted Mar 2, 2003
The fact is, I am in charge of the quest. Terran is in charge of the Terranic army. We both have the right to regulate or creations, and give others that right if we feel it right. As such, Terran has given you responsibility, but before you go trying an officer for talking back, I'd ask terran if what you're doing isn't simply going to cause a good researcher to give up on his organisation.
And by the way, you did mention a courtmarshal, and then an execution. That, unless I am gravely mistaken, is a punishment.
Nightblade Barracks
spook Posted Mar 2, 2003
verc has given me the responsibility of second in command, and i therefore have a command over the army, so i do not need to go and ask him before i give out an order.
anyway mystrunner, u seem to be the only one fussing. reefgirl seems happy to go along with the court marshall.
and, about the execution - DON@T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!
i never once said reefgirl would be the one being executed. in fact, as head mp, i do believe i once said she was in charge of executions, and would therefore be performing the execution. i was thinking of bob, the janitor, as the barracks are always dirty. or perhaps one of creachy's stunt doubles that always love to die.
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
Boys boys please take a deep breath
1) the only reason I'm going along with the Courts Martial is the fun of trying myself and to see Spook look a right burke when he loses
2) Spook "verc has given me the responsibility of second in command, and i therefore have a command over the army, so i do not need to go and ask him before i give out an order.", I'd watch what you say from now on, if you want to play by the rules play with this, if a senior officer is suspected of insinuating, plotting or in anyway involved in sedition or mutany he can be arrested by the lowest Private in the MP's without the commander's approval (my boyfriend told me this and he's an ex soldier)
3) executions are no longer permittable even for mutany anymore (same convo with BF)
4) as we're playing by the rules I'll be keeping a very very close eye on you and so will my boys especilly Ralph unless you have him posted of course
PS 24 was excellent BTW (sorry about the sudden departure Mystrunner)
Nightblade Barracks
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 3, 2003
Back in the day, a friend of mine and I were OSS Assasin in World War II, and as someone trained by the best Intel and Commando orgainzation ever concieved, and knowing the Millitary Code ofg Justice by heart I can tell you with 100% assurance, that Reefgirl speaks the truth. Any enlisted or commisioned personel who are under reasonable susspision of commiting, intending to commit, aiding and abedding the comision of a crime, can be arrested by an MP of Private rank.
Nightblade Barracks
spook Posted Mar 3, 2003
reefgirl - an mp can't arrest a commanding officer on their own suspition, only on orders, as for 1 they don't have the power, and for 2, if they did and were found to be wrong they would be punished. futhermore, i have never incited mutiny, and verc understands my type of humour, which is why i am in second command.
also, this ain't the real army in what ever country you are in, this is the terranic army on h2g2, and we therefore have much more severe punishments, including executions by s,
ing to death, and
in the eye.
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
"reefgirl - an mp can't arrest a commanding officer" you are not the commanding officer Verc is and it is he who has my loyalty
A few posts ago you were all for this place being run like the regular army
Don't forget pride comes before a fall and you are going to fall from a great hight
Nightblade Barracks
friendlywithteeth Posted Mar 3, 2003
So where be my bunk?
[and R/G is right: the MP, like the Medics are in parallel to the regular Army... i.e. the Medics have ranks and officer etc. but what you look for in a good medical officer isn't the same as a good military officer, and a medical officer can't lead troops in battle, because they can't fight: the Hippocratic Oath [been watching M*A*S*H again!] The MPs are just the same]
Nightblade Barracks
Terran Posted Mar 3, 2003
Spook your not going to like this, but I'm going to have give you a warning. You are not giving Mystrunner the opportunity to run his regiment. You are invading it too much. If you do not let Mystrunner look after his own regiment I will put all three of you (spook, Rimmer and Mystrunner) on an equal footing - and there will be no second in command. Okay?
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
Thank you Sir
Make yourself at home FWT, I'm sure you can find your way to the Nightblade Hospital, anyway pull up a bunk and have a brew, the kettle is always on any probs Mystrunner of Myself are usually around somewhere, You are absolutly right about medics and MPs, they have to use common sense as well as military regulations or we'll all end up like Frank Burns and'Hotlips'Houlihan (I'm a big M*A*S*H fan too )
Nightblade Barracks
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 3, 2003
*At the sight of Terran HDS jumps off of his bed. flips in the air, lands a meter in front of him, and salutes, holding the salute until it is returned.*
Thank you sir!
Nightblade Barracks
Terran Posted Mar 3, 2003
*Returns salute*
Stand easy soldier. I must say that was quite an impressive flip you did there. Where did you learn to do that?
[] Vecingetorix
Nightblade Barracks
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 3, 2003
*stands at parrade rest.*
I learned that in the O.S.S.
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
Nice to see a friendly face Sir, I take it you've read the backlog am I due for a slapped wrist?
Nightblade Barracks
Terran Posted Mar 3, 2003
Well I wouldn't go around telling people to "bog off", but other than that I don't think there is any reason to complain. You appear to have been doing your best to maintain order in the Barracks, so carry on Colonel
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
I know I've tried being polite but thanks for your support Sir
Nightblade Barracks
Mystrunner Posted Mar 3, 2003
Good to see the regiment is showing up. First order of buisness is equipment. I need all of you to get down to the quartermaster's... wait... we don't have a quartermaster.
Does anyone want to be quartermaster?
Nightblade Barracks
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 3, 2003
If I can make a suggestion Guv, maybe we should leave a messege on the PS of all those Nightblade members on the main page and see if they still interested in us then try and encourage them to participate a bit more before we start assigning positions and things, ATM the regiment consists of me, you and FWT, at least we're the busiest posters, Just an idea what do you think
Nightblade Barracks
Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") Posted Mar 3, 2003
Well im here in a sense I like looking after my RL friends and friends on h2g2.
Key: Complain about this post
Nightblade Barracks
- 61: spook (Mar 2, 2003)
- 62: Mystrunner (Mar 2, 2003)
- 63: spook (Mar 2, 2003)
- 64: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 65: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 3, 2003)
- 66: spook (Mar 3, 2003)
- 67: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 68: friendlywithteeth (Mar 3, 2003)
- 69: Terran (Mar 3, 2003)
- 70: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 71: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 3, 2003)
- 72: Terran (Mar 3, 2003)
- 73: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 3, 2003)
- 74: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 75: Terran (Mar 3, 2003)
- 76: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 77: Terran (Mar 3, 2003)
- 78: Mystrunner (Mar 3, 2003)
- 79: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 3, 2003)
- 80: Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") (Mar 3, 2003)
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