A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 41

Reality Manipulator

i am going to make french salad this evening.smiley - smiley

is anyone here?smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 42

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????

hello evry1 smiley - hug

was wondering if ne1 cud give me a hand ??

smiley - love n smiley - hugs

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 43

Loup Dargent

>is anyone here?<

almost... i'm kinda on my way offline for a while...smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers for the smiley - ale kat...smiley - ta

that reminds me of my old PC [RIP] i had a programme that made it "talk" when i was performing some tasks... it was based on the Star Trek's computer voice [can't remember if it was voyager or TNG tho']... twas smiley - cool

smiley - runsmiley - alesmiley - ale

talk soon..smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 44

Loup Dargent

hi mel... need an hand for what?!... i can try to help if you want... tho' you might get more people giving advice at the Advice Corner A1027171 ...smiley - biggrin

but.. yep... do tell...smiley - smiley

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 45

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - tasmiley - okloup i think it would be based on the TNG's. i tend to argue with computers if i am on them too long. i new a girl who's hair set alight in desk top publishing class.smiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - hugmelsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

smiley - hugtake care loupsmiley - hug


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 46

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????

Hi loup...

well the thing is i want 2 put a few links on my page 2 my m8s pages n stuff like that but i dont no how 2 go about doing it smiley - sadface i wud have asked loz but she's off on this holiday thingy

if u cud help that wud b a gr8 help smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 47

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????

hello there kat smiley - hug have u been smiley - ok since we last spoke ??

which was only a few hours ago !! smiley - laugh

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 48

Loup Dargent

mel... that would involve getting your friend's registration details and password to get into their account...smiley - biggrin

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 49

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


k there sweetie i'll c if they let me !! lol

thanx smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 50

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersmel i am feeling smiley - ok i have a wonderful garlicy potato salad that i have made.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 51

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


mmmm smiley - drool sounds very nice smiley - hug

i've had a nice fruit juice drink and spagetti bolognaise !! lol made by moi !! lol i was so proud

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 52

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - tathanks mel, spagetti bolognaise tastes alot better when you make it yourself.smiley - smiley

i have made far too much salad and i think i have made enough for a small army.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 53

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - ojsmiley - coolsmiley - thepostsmiley - coolsmiley - oj

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 54

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


i no wot u mean all the hard work seems 2 pay off when ure sittin there diggin in !! smiley - laugh

well ure always welcome 2 send sum of that yummy salad my way !! smiley - drool

smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 55

Reality Manipulator

hi emsmiley - smiley

mel here is my french salad.smiley - smiley

here are the drinks: 4 x smiley - bubbly
4 smiley - oj, 4 smiley - ale


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 56

Reality Manipulator

bon soir/good evening everyonesmiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 57

Reality Manipulator

smiley - huggood night loup, cuddly, sian, em, sue, elsa, legers, artisan, essexstud, kow, ghia, huggy, biriyani returns, the 8 alan's, anarchist, mel, sal, i hope you will have a very good night's sleep and full of happy dreams.smiley - hug


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 58

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Kat smiley - blackcat

I'm smiley - sorry if you thought I offended you! Truly Sorry!!

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 59

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

>>>>>smiley - run>>>>
smiley - oj& 3paracetamol...
smiley - illsmiley - groansmiley - crysmiley - wahsmiley - yuksmiley - ill

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 60

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

hellooo peeps smiley - love

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