A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

H2G"/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

smiley - bubbly

thought it might be needed soon..smiley - whistle

enjoy...smiley - disco

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

H2G"/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 2


I love being second

H2G'/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

hi loupsmiley - smiley

third again legers, i am the youngest of three girls.smiley - smiley


H2G'/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 4

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????

i dont mind where i am as long as im with sum1 !! lol smiley - hugs

H2G'/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersthanks loup for the smiley - bubbly


H2G'/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 6

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????

hope ure well loup ??? smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 7

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

hehe...smiley - cool

smiley - bubbly

i'm on my way to do some work on the Essex Researchers Group page...smiley - disco just something neat [well, i think it is..smiley - whistle] i want to add on it...smiley - disco

talk soon...smiley - surfer

smiley - smiley
smiley - bubbly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 8

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

hi kat.. legers.. mel... andrea...smiley - bubbly

talk soon..smiley - surfer

oh and yep.. i'm fine..smiley - cheers
fingers crossed i might be even better in a few days time... as long as the PC i want is still in the shop when i go there to buy it thursday or friday..smiley - coolsmiley - disco

back soon..smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 9


Ket, I'm not a girl (at least I wasn't last time I checked)

Talking about cars. Why do you imagine youself in France? I would prefer Italy

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 10

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersloup i am watching buffy and i think willow is so sweet and caring.smiley - hug

smiley - hugmel, i feel like as i have fell asleep in 1977 and i have just woken up. it gets embarresing in away as if i had boyfriend a few years later it looks like there is a bigger age gap as though i have sugar daddy.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 11


There is nothing wrong with sugar dadies. Its a new popular thing, think about Hugh Hefnersmiley - laugh

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 12

Reality Manipulator

smiley - huglegers i am sorry if i called you a girl, i am slightly smiley - drunk for drinking too much cider.smiley - smiley

legers i think it is because i have travelled through paris twice going towards northern italy, the italian riveria. i am part (1/3 italian) but i keep on dreaming about france. my father had a step brother born from a french father - crozet. i am very italian looking out of my family, even from 2 generations back and i have a very much a italian temprement.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 13

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


glad 2 hear ure smiley - ok sweetie !!

oh well good luck *fingers crossed*

smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 14

Reality Manipulator

legers except i am 40 and even if i go out with a man in their 30's it looks like he is older than me.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 15

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


aww darlin smiley - hug im spoiled rotten by alex not with gifts or nethin just with all the fone calls n evrything !!

smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 16

*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????


oh kewl smiley - cool im watchin buffy 2 !! on sky 1 ??

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersmel it so smiley - cool i remember when buffy was first shown on bbc2.smiley - smiley


H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 18


When I get tanned I also get confused for Italiansmiley - laugh Though my temperament is much worse, it is more like of a Puh Bearsmiley - laugh

Kat you should be proud of that. In reality what going on with you is EVEY women's dreamsmiley - magic

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 19


I got to get going now, see you all tonightsmiley - run

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 20

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersthanks legers for the very kind compliments but because of my niavety it puts men off. they like women who have had lots of lovers, who are very worldy and have bubbly personalities which i have not got.smiley - smiley


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