A Conversation for Land Rights Battles of the Western Shoshone Indians

re: I am

Post 221

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

Thanks, Nelson, but I think maybe I better lose my aspirations to great oration since I'm probably starting to sound like a Baptist preacher or a cd caught in a loop.

That's an interesting thesis you've proposed and a very insightful analysis of the current situation with respect to Mr. Powell. I think the chances of a black becoming president anytime soon are about as good as a woman doing it. I don't think either one would garner enough credibility with the string-pullers to pull it off, sad to say. But I'm probably wrong. Obviously I've never been famous for comprehending white people, the people who will decide the issue more or less.

I seem to recall reading about JFK's religion being this huge problem and that wasn't that long ago really, what? Couple generations? To their credit, the whites didn't let that stop the man, whatever were his other credentials, so you never know. There might be hope after all.

Of course, from my perspective, it probably doesn't matter who gets to be president. He or she sure won't be no injun. And I'm not sure I'd want one for president if it were even possible. I mean what kind of injun would want to be president?


I'm not sure what anybody else was trying to get across, but I don't think you're naive or whatever about suffering. It's sort of relative anyways. Like who's worse off? A poor person in Rio or New York City?

Many people would say the Rio one, but the New Yorker is seeing what he or she can't have everyday on television so who knows? Suffering can be a state of your mind when outwardly you look like you're very prosperous, serene or joyful.

When I look at people's faces who drive expensive cars or wear expensive clothes, looking well fed and groomed, they don't look much happier than the people loitering around the bus stops or convenience stores looking for lunch money. And I don't think you could necessarily predict which people might be more strung out.

And jail's certainly no picnic, although I have to say American jails seem a good deal better than Mexican ones if there's such a thing as a better jail. But that's a matter of perspective too because you sometimes can have conjugal visits in Mexican jails which you can't in American ones.

Of course I'm not a jailbird really. I've been in detention a few times but when you're a juvenile they cut you loose as soon as a responsible adult shows up. Then there's this huge fight with Social Services for weeks and months.

I've been in a couple of foster homes, nice white people too. You could tell they were just dying to help somebody and I don't mean that sarcastically either. But I just couldn't convince them I didn't need their help. I just wanted to go home.

So I'd get homesick and stop eating. They'd take me to the doctor and he'd prescribe antidepressents which I'd palm off in the dog food. And the dog would get so happy he'd piss on the carpet, but it was either him or me.

Then as soon as I could I'd be out of there. I think they always looked for me at the bus terminals if they ever looked at all. Even if they had looked, they would have never found me because I'd go to the truckstop where you can get a real ride with a bed to sleep in and a little tv to watch in one of those keep on truckin' cowboy sleepers. In a couple of days, with any luck, I'd be back home.

This made it kind of difficult to go to school regularly but I always managed to catch up. My teachers were usually cool about it because they figured I was worth saving probably.

I guess my point in mentioning all this is something you probably already knew, that the world is full of kind and decent white people too. I just wonder why they don't seem to be in charge?

re: I am

Post 222

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

I'm glad we can agree on something, Kyaa. I just have to get past the sinking feeling I get when I read your words like "sublimely human". Who says? I'm an animal like any other. It's not sublime. It's sacred.

Consciousness and free will are not necessarily monopolized by humans. I bet you don't believe that but I've seen it too often to deny it now just to be polite.

The world's of full of conscious creatures exercising free will. That's why it's important to treat them with respect because you never what they'll do.

But you knew that already didn't you? So please don't say things just to jerk my chain, especially after you've set me up with all your fine compliments which I probably don't deserve anyways.

If you want to put yourself on the apex of the pyramid, I won't contradict you, but I don't want to join you there. It's nothing personal except it's personal with me. I'm not a pyramid climber or apex sitter. That point at the top has got to hurt after awhile.

And please don't interpret that as meaning I want nothing but isolation. I'm talking to you when Rita and a few other people I know won't or wouldn't if they knew you. I'm not an isolationist. I'm a liberationist. With consensus we can do it together and without we can do it separately. What's so wrong about that?

re: I am

Post 223


sticks and stones

as I read what you post it is clear: a damn bloody obdurate fool, consumate contagion, contemptible.

... yet, miracle, you are "talking to [me] when Rita and a few other people I know won't or wouldn't if they * knew * you."

there it is ... all in a neat little package, the absolute, perfect, unassailable.

there's nothing left ... ... ... is there?

re: I am

Post 224


Analiese, how the hell did you get so smart? Rare brilliance in one so young.

Off subject: This is the honest to gosh truth. My cat just lit its tail on fire by walking by a candle that's on a radiator, then took off, running around the living room screeching and flames shooting off his rump. He's fine, save for a burnt patch. Luckily, he's a long hair, so It didn't reach his skin. My God, that was hilarious.

re: I am

Post 225

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

Yes, Kyaa, there is something left. You're a very brilliant man with a good heart and the best of intentions. I think you may have done great things already in the world and I hope you live long enough to do many more.

I'm sorry that what I've written doesn't accord with your expectations, but I mean you no harm. And you can play many fun games with sticks and stones. It doesn't always have to hurt.

re: I am

Post 226


Aaahaa, Seamus the sympathetic. Well you've always had the reputation of an animal 'lover'...and cat fancier.

Didn't pay the utility bills on time again, eh? How are the earwax candles working out now? As effective as your nose-oil lanterns? I still say you should be using Davey Lamps though; there's no sense in having a naked flame around with the amount of methane you expell.

smiley - winkeye

re: I am

Post 227

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

I guess you can call him Comet or something, right Jimmy? And I'm glad you think I'm brilliant. Maybe that's how I got a scholarship.

As to how I got so brilliant if that's really what I am, well, I don't really know right now because I don't feel especially brilliant. After going a couple of rounds with Kyaa, I feel about as brilliant as a fence post. And I think he knows it too.

re: I am

Post 228

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

I guess I'm in for the world news update. Blix is semi-critical of Iraq to silence the US about how lame inspections are. He even concurs with the US assessment that Iraq opening the doors and letting everyone is not actively participating in the process (I thought Iraq was a sovereign nation, since when are they to disarm entirely, especially when faced with 250,000 of the finest killers in the Western world, but I digress). This statement gets Negriponte (I still can't believe a criminal and traitor to the US is our UN anbassador, but yet again I digress) to sputter about how we need to drop the hammer now. But instead, it buys a concession to allow another month of quiet. Yes, we will officially not invade until after March 1st. Of course that allows two more carrier groups time to get in position for bombing runs. But also buys the peace movement another month to get the word out. So write your letters to the editor. Send multiple copies with different names attached. C/C them to congresses more sensible members. Petition your city to pass a resolution against the war (except for you Analiese, Denver I believe has already passed it, as well as Colorado Springs). And if you have time find the e-mail address for the German chancellor for me.

re: I am

Post 229

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

I'm still looking for that address but I've got to go now or I won't get done with my homework until 3 am and I'll fall asleep in class again.

re: I am

Post 230

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

By the way in my world, destabilization report I neglected to mention that two Britsh observers were harassed by Kuwaiti border guards (remember us liberating Kuwait) and I guess there was a populist uprising in Jordan that was supressed by an armored division at Ma'an or some Iraq border city, details are sketchy. I think if you guys are right and the shooting does start, this will be the first reenactment of the crusades in like 5 centuries. It's gonna be so ugly.

Write to the German chancellor

Post 231

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

To write to the German government or the chancellor, you can mail
[email protected]
or you can use the form at
smiley - blackcat

Write to the German chancellor & to the French Govt & to the Labour Party in GB & the EU

Post 232


Just in case, here's the english version to communicate with the german federal government:


Here is the webpage to contact M. le President in France:


Here is a webpage for e-mailing Labour in GB:


Here's the EU public opinion mailbox:

[email protected]

or a EU website to go forward from:


re: I am

Post 233


can you believe it, h2g2 removed the bushie ditty! wow!

re: I am

Post 234

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

Rita told me she got moderated when she compared Bush to Hitler.

Let's do a little experiment, since I really don't think the thought police are behind this, but if they are they're probably using the search thing. So what text would they enter?

Jorge W. Bush, better known as Dubya, Stupid Idiot, or George W. Bush, the elder brother of Jeb they should have kept in the attic, aspiring president for life, is a non-recovering alcoholic who is acting exactly like Adolph Hitler or even worse.

He belongs in a hospital for the incurably insane. He is also probably still taking drugs and is without a doubt the most illegimate president of the United States who has ever lived. He may also be qualified as the most prolific ballot box stuffer of all time.

He should have been hanged for treason years ago. He is nothing but a draft dodger and a lackey to big oil interests. He probably beats his wife and his kids probably hate him more than the arabs do.

He probably orchestrated 9/11 and he muzzles the press. He not only resembles Hitler, but also Stalin, Pinochet, Somosa, and the Saudi Royal family all put together. And to add insult to injury, Tony Blair is his lapdog and Ariel Sharon is his bagman. He is a made man in the Mafia and he abuses women and children relentlessly. He spends at least two hours a night in the bathroom doing whatever he does with the water running.

Now, let's see what happens to this one.

re: I am

Post 235


you go girl!

Human nature

Post 236

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Found this and just knew the place to take it to.

Human nature

Post 237


that's hillarious DC

as for the moderation stuff though, I think it's pretty random anymore, unless somebody complains about something. The entry in the post about Lil was done months ago and they just a few days ago decided to asteriskize sh*t.

here's a link to the web site I try to visit regularly to keep up on what's going on. that's no easy task these days


Human nature

Post 238


hey, let's stop defaming monkeys, hunh?

here's a website I commend to all y'all:


re: I am

Post 239

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

As I work my way thru the past two weeks of backlog I find many points worthy of comment. I see some brilliant writing and some heartfelt passion; it's all very inspiring, really. smiley - ok

But since I am not really contributing to the essentials of the discussion I will limit myself to the role of referee and harlequin for the sake of 'justice' and for 'amusement'. And also to let you all know I'm still here.

There was an un-called-for mention of spelling. Hardly a real concern in such a forum, I considered it 'unfair' and diversionary. But full points to Analiese for bearing up as she was instructed in the distinctions between a compliment and a complement.

As a complementary, and indeed complimentary, interjection, this referee now points sardonically to the spelling of 'elegant' in a recent posting by (no names please).

>> ...the measureless unknown by offering what is deep in your heart. It is most generous and it is elegent. <<

Its not elegent, it's elegant, y' transcendental git! Oh yeah sure, it was just a typo, right.

OK, everyone back to their corners now and come out figh..

And keep an eye on that dark horse Ssubnel. smiley - bigeyes He has a clear eye for reality.

smiley - biggrin

re: I am

Post 240

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

I'm glad you've joined us again, Mr. Fulton, if only in Lurking Referee mode. I really enjoyed your previous posts, always clear and thought provoking. I hope you'll consider giving us more when you're inspired to.

Unfortunately, Kyaa has the annoying habit of getting under my skin. His "excoriation" term is particularly applicable. However, I'm trying to cope and hope I can get things sorted out pretty soon. Fortunately, he regularly redeems himself with detailed and pertinent information. To say his knowledge is encyclopedic is not exaggeration.

Nelson is truly a child of reality. If there were more like him, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. He makes me ashamed I've ever said anything derogatory about white people, but then again he might not be typical, which would make him all the more valuable I think. I can appreciate why his O'odham wife has found him so attractive.

Jimmy lurks and occasionally strikes with the precision of a rattler. His self-deprecations don't quite conceal his brilliance I'm afraid.

And paulie comes around whenever there's a need, just like the affectionate grandmother she is. She's another one whose humility conceals clarity of thought and vast empirical experience I'll hardly ever match let alone surpass.

In a few short weeks I've found this group who keeps me coming back, almost like an addiction but with far better results. The interplay is extremely inspiring and if I ever produce writing worthy of remembrance it will be in no small part the product of this group.

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