A Conversation for h2g2: Tales of a Newbie


Post 1

cafram - in the states.

I'm loving this series, Wowbagger - is there any way it can be included in the Don't Panic tour of h2g2?!

Keep up the good work!

smiley - cheers


Post 2


A wonderful zoom there, but who is this mysterious, hairy fellow? Hmmm, I wait with bated breath, or possibly a nice cup of tea. smiley - smiley


Post 3

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

You have an array of people to chose from, 'insert best fit here' smiley - laugh

-- DoctorMO --


Post 4

Jimi X

I just figured it was Jim Lynn since he's the god of the database...

I can't wait until the ACEs swoop down on the poor lad! smiley - smiley


Post 5


i have to agree. i love this new series. it took me a moment to get used to it but now that i have i am loving it. i find myself waiting impatiently for the next episode smiley - laugh


Post 6

jane doe

i went to the who's online button and the cartoon is right, there i am with a large sign beside my name. does make one feel a bit under the spotlight doesn't it? smiley - winkeye


Post 7


smiley - wow a real live newbie! smiley - silly
hi jane *waves*
^. .^
= ' =


Post 8

jane doe

yes a real live newbie. i feel like the catch of the day now smiley - laugh
*waves back*


Post 9

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)



Post 10


smiley - biggrin
so are you egtting around ok?
^. .^
= ' =


Post 11


smiley - blush
Part of the 'Don't Panic' tour sounds wonderful and quite an honour. If the Towers like the idea I'm sure they will link it smiley - smiley.

As for the identity of our long haired person. The answer is easy... don't know smiley - smiley.

The cartoon will never directly satirise an actual person. This is for three important reasons:
1. Not everybody likes being satirised.
2. Some people like being satirised too much and will be upset if I DON'T mention them LOL.
3. People come and go. For example... even now there are some researchers who wouldn't get a Mark Moxon reference if I put in one.

smiley - biggrin


Post 12

jane doe

hello to you too smiley - smiley
yes, i seem to be finding my way around without to much trouble. i do seem to be having problems finding a 'niche' though. everyone is friendly and helpful but so far i just haven't really found a comfortable spot. i think it will just take time, getting used to everything should help smiley - smiley


Post 13

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

Hi there. smiley - smiley
*waves generally*

As another newbie smiley - erm I sympathise with the 'niche' problem. Every time I've thought of a gr8 idea for a guide entry, (you know, one that I know lots about and seems a bit... specialised) I find that not only are there half a dozen entries already, but at least one's in the edited guide! smiley - doh

Never mind, I'll get the hang of it eventually. After all, I've only been here 5 days, and there seem to be hundreds of people who've all been here for years.

Any suggestions for entries or just general chat welcomed,

Go stick your head in a pig. <why isnt there a ?>


Post 14

cafram - in the states.

There's a campaign for a pig smiley here -> F79114?thread=200555 smiley - smiley

There's *always* something left to write about - no matter how verbose and articulate the people here are, there's no way they've already covered everything!

smiley - cheers


Post 15

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

maybe so, but so far I haven't thought of it!

I'll keep thinking....smiley - huh maybe something more obtuse...!

Go stick your head in a pig. - i think i'd better get campaigning!


Post 16

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

What I'd do it either make an entry anyway and see if you can do better smiley - winkeye or, even better, get in contect with the original auther and see if you can work together if you feel the artical is missing somthing.

-- DoctorMO --


Post 17

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

right, thanks. smiley - smiley
I realised you could do joint projects, but I wasn't quite sure how. It's probably the best way for me as a beginner though. Is there a particular process/page I need to visit to do that, or do I just strike up a conversation in the author's message centre? smiley - huh

Thanks for the idea smiley - eureka

Go stick your head in a pig :@)


Post 18

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

It's going to be a sticking point with the guide at some point that alot of people spend there lives doing certain things, and they would like to record it... but how can you do that without massive duplication? I think the edited guide helps, but I'm not sure if these articals can then be inproved/updated after they've been acepted.

-- DoctorMO --


Post 19

jane doe

being new around here i probably shouldn't put my two cents into this but in my opinion i think that all entries should be open to revision. what i mean is that with the world ever changing and evolving then it would make sense to be able to update the entries as needed. or maybe a better way of putting it would be a bit like extended footnotes. this is what was and this is what has changed to make it what it is now. does this make sense or am i just babbling?


Post 20

Post Team

Not at all smiley - smiley

Edited entries can be added to/amended/revised - you just have to go through the proper channels. This means either attracting the attention of the original subeditor or, if they seem to be no longer active, dropping by the subeds page. There is, I think, a forum specifically set up for revising entries, but I don't have the link to hand just now... smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepostsmiley - hollysmiley - xmastreesmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - fairysmiley - xmaspudsmiley - snowmansmiley - santa

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