A Conversation for The Shrineworld

Scout Skimmer

Post 1

Kran The Ugly

Inside a three man scout skimmer. An Autocannon under each wing. The inside is dimly lit with two seats behind and to each side of the pilots seat. Kran sits in the pilots seat

Looks like im going to ferry you lot in and out of battle. Theres enemy to the south-east, quite a lot of them, or if you go due north for about 5 miles theres a few outposts and stuff. Beyond that im to sure really, not had much time to fly about.
So, where will it be?

Scout Skimmer

Post 2

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Marshal] Hmm... we should probably skim the JACKAL lines, then check those outposts; there isn't meant to be another structure within 30 Miles... Maybe JACKAL built them.

Scout Skimmer

Post 3

Kran The Ugly

*kicks back the throtle* in 30 miles you say? well these things aint too well built, looks like they were throwen up.... *starts to bank slightly ajusting the heading till its slightly east of north*

please keep your seat in the upright position, cabin crew will be along shortly with your in flight meal of reprocesed plastic and remains of the dogs dinner. Tonights inflight movie will be in french with korean subtitles for your discomfort *smilies vaugly*

Ah, right there sir *points at some crude shaks and tent with a recently erected look about them and some proper buildings, half underground to protect from airfire*

Scout Skimmer

Post 4

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Marshal] Hmm... I don't see anyone... Wait, There!
*Points to a figure on the ground. He mounts a quad bike, and heads southeast.*
[Marshal] Frag! It's a runner! Cycle auto-loaders! Gun him down!

Scout Skimmer

Post 5

Kran The Ugly

*pulls down fighter helmet* oh yeah, easy shot *press the tigger on the stick. Tracer flies towards the quad bike causing it too exlpode*

Hehehe, i think i got him. It wont take them long before they start sending rading parties at us. With your permission sir id like to start running regular flights around the shrine to try and pick them off

Scout Skimmer

Post 6

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Marshal] Agreed. I think we should co-
*Tracker fire slams into the side of the craft from an unseen attacker. Marshal catches a glint of barrels, a Hydra Flak tank, buried in the sand.*
[Marshal] Damn! Pull out! Pull out!
*The Craft pulls well clear of the flak gun, bleeding smoke.*
[Marshal] Kran, set down a minute! We've got hull punctures, and one of our secondary ammo-caches have detonated. Set her down at Grid Co-ord A4 and we'll patch this thing up.

Scout Skimmer

Post 7

Kran The Ugly

*slowly decends behind a rock ridge*
better make them think we've crashed.
*skims low along the surface ejecting some ammo*
that should blow up soon and we'll not be too near.
*as he sets the craft down on the sand an explosion happens a short distance behind them*

Scout Skimmer

Post 8

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Marshal checks over the damage on the Port side.*
[Marshal] Okay...The hull took superficial damage, and we've lost our Secondary Ammo. However, we're still air worthy... I hope. How's things your side, Kran?

Scout Skimmer

Post 9

Kran The Ugly

Little damage to the wing, the paint works been scrathed, but it should fly pretty much normal so long as it doesnt get in a fight with another one of these things

Scout Skimmer

Post 10

Kran The Ugly

*climbs back in* remebr and make sure the doors sealed properly, iwas in one of these things once on Argle V and the door wasnt sealed, terrible, thing was full of sand and rather nasty gasses. Only just got out of that one....

*as he talks he lift the skimmer up gently, testing to see what the damage has done*

....but back then you just had to live on your wit and the dew on the dunes, not like now.

*throtles back and glides quickly just above the sand*

Scout Skimmer

Post 11

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Marshal] Alright! Now let's strife their forces!

Scout Skimmer

Post 12

Kran The Ugly

Got to get back and get this thing fixed up, the engines arnt running too well just now, think tey might be cloged. They didnt take care of this thing.

*flies calmly towards the shrine*

Get forces together, ill get this thing fixed, tomorow, we fly in with a few boys and cut those JACKAL up good

*tilts the skimmer back as he slams it to a halt over the LZ*

Thank you for flying air Kran, we hope you enjoyed our flight....

*waits for Marshal to get out before drifting over to the hanger*

Scout Skimmer

Post 13

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Marshal waves to Kran, and makes for the Ouroboros Plaza.*

PS: I've created a Hanger to store the Skimmer when not in use, or repair it when damaged. If you want a link, check the Shrineworld main page, or this link: F104926?thread=225553

Scout Skimmer

Post 14

Kran The Ugly

*sits watching the controls as he hovers just above the ground outside the skimmer. Lowering the hatch he shouts out..* Anyone coming along for the fun?

Scout Skimmer

Post 15

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*A massive figure climbs into the skimmer. He's carrying a twin-linked Heavy Stubber meant to be attached to a tank's hull mount. He nods at Kran.*
[Pestilence] Hey Kranny! How ya' doin'!?

Scout Skimmer

Post 16

Kran The Ugly

*grins at pestilence* Ready to kill?

*slams the throtle back and pulls up above the buildings in the shrine*

North to the small setelments, or west to the small caravans roaming around to flank us?

Scout Skimmer

Post 17

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] Well, that convoy's gone. I didn't see it on the way in... Maybe they've got in the Shrine already...
Anyway! 'Nuf chit-chat, get rollin'! We'll blow seven kinds a' s*** out a' their bases!

Scout Skimmer

Post 18

Kran The Ugly


*spins the skimmer violently round to face north, slams it forward as fast as it can go*

Hope you dont mind, but i want to test what this thing can do. Hopefully lots *grins*

it'll take a little while to find them again, the computer in this thing doesnt work to well, and i cant fix it/

Scout Skimmer

Post 19

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] Lemme' see...
*Looks at the navigation computer. It's information is almost an hour old. He tweaks a few dials... nothing. He imputs a few codes... nothing. He hits the monitor so hard the plastic cover shatters... blip. blip. bleeee-click! That did it.*

Scout Skimmer

Post 20

Kran The Ugly

*looks shocked at the violent aproch* Ok, you might want to kick the hatch open and tie yourself in, we're gona be getting flak soon

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