The h2g2 Post 30.12.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 30th December 2024

This week's title is In Search of Holiday Spirit. Clockwise from upper left: Luna the black dog in a green coat on a frosty road in Scotland, a flatbed truck in southern England hauling a red sleigh that looks like Santa's, A black cat stretching and blocking the cleared path through the snow so that five annoyed ducks can't get past, a Christmas tree topped by a model of the James Webb Telescope, a printed pair of tickets that say Stay Home and Do Nothing and Go to Bed Early, two grey-and-white cats snuggling on a custion in the farmhouse., a purple sky with silhouetted bare twigs, a holiday fantasy set of apartments for gnomes in Sweden, and a bear-shaped lighting assembly being put together in the park on the Isle of Wight.  The bear's head is hanging in the air.

Wherever you are, and whatever the weather is doing to you – I'm having to drip faucets, while Willem no doubt is sweltering down there – I hope some joy is coming your way. Yes, we're all worried about the future (see January's Create prompt): but we can still stop and count the blessings, small and large. We can wonder at the magic that still surrounds us, in spite of everything humans could do to spoil the absolute gift that is this planetary home of ours.

Stop and think about it: aliens didn't do this. Supernatural entities didn't do this. No matter what the internet says, it's our own fault. Which, I suspect, means we might be able to do something about it. Perhaps we should pause to think about that in between snacks this week.

Our contributors have gone all-out this week to bring you glimpses of celebratory acts from their corner of the globe. How do they decorate in Scotland, England, Sweden? Who's putting up those bears? And how do astronomers mark the Yuletide?

Our animal friends are having adventures. SashaQ had a moment with a clever spider. Luna's been exploring the landscape, while the Hoggett cats prefer indoors. Not all the animals are, strictly speaking, real: Willem's been busy, but he stopped by to show us his fanciful bunnybird. We're not sure whether gnomes are human, animal, or something else entirely, but Milla assures us that in Sweden at least, they are entitled to housing equity.

I would like everyone to know that the cat and ducks in my photo story are absolutely real – and really did what it says. Truth can be stranger than fiction.

Speaking of fiction, there's some of that in this issue, too, as befits the end-of-the-year holiday. Bluebottle will tickle your funnybone and FWR will scare you again with one of his crazy dreams. What in the world does he eat before bed?

I've dug up some stories of yore. One is sure to please fans of classic comics. Please read, discuss, leave comments, share, and for pity's sake, send me more Stuff. Next week is a whole 'nother year.

Stay warm and dry, and don't hit the eggnog too hard. Happy New Year to all of you.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Just learned this:

Jupiter's moons were named after his extra-marital lovers. NASA sent the spacecraft JUNO to check up on Jupiter. Juno was Jupiter's wife.
I (bleep)ing love NASA.

Montage of clock images.

January 2025 Create Challenge:
Change: Blessing or Curse?

Video Extra:
Sheep Safely Grazing in Austria
Click here in Ripley

Plans for New Year's Day

A pair of tickets for doing nothing, by Galaxy Babe.



Home Comforts

Spit and Patches snuggling by Mrs Hoggett.


Weather for Ducks

Bruce Wayne and the ducks, by DG.

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