On Being Dull

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On Being Dull

Apartments for gnomes.

There's a lot to be said for launching a conversation about an extremely dull topic.

This happens a lot on social media. Someone makes an observation on a topic – be it staircases that are spectacularly poorly designed or carpeted, a funny looking (or very ordinary looking) rock found on a beach, or a banana bread that failed to rise.

Without fail, there are people who absolutely jump to join the debate! They may make the stupidest dad joke, that most people will groan at, but a few will laugh wheezing with tears in their eyes. Or one person has the most fascinating knowledge about exactly the type of ordinary-looking rock that was found on the beach. People will join with descriptions of other hazardous stairs, and the party is suddenly roaring. There may even be blaming of 2legs.

We are such a social species, we will take almost any chance to connect with perfect strangers – and for some of us awkward souls, we do it best online.

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