The h2g2 Post 01.07.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 1st July 2024

This week's title is The View from Here. Clockwise from upper left: poppies in a field, a montage of lenticular clouds over the Scottish landscape and seascape, a dog looking through a hole in a tree trunk, a aircraft in flight that has the silhouette of a beluga whale, a smiling sheep, the death mask of Lady Grace from Haddon Hall (she looks kind of like Pete Postlethwaite), a tiny, light-tan kitten with a 'who, me?' expression on its face, and some beautiful purple hollyhocks in bloom.

They're still a-roving, these roving reporters of ours. They look up, and down, and over, under, and through. They see wonders in the sky and water and on land. They find growing things and impudent wildlife. You're going to enjoy these glimpses of the things they found.

Ignore everyone who isn't us. They're trying to tell you that you need to argue about something. Why not just be still and wonder a while? You might hear that still, small voice that speaks wisdom to us all.

Been wise long enough? Okay, now read the jokes. They'll cure you of seriousness.

Your head's completely clear of coherent thought? Good. Now you're ready to read the fiction.

In the comic, er, graphic novel, er, whatever-it-is-with-pictures section, the Isle of Wight church fête keeps getting weirder. Paulh's story nears its interdimensional climax. Tavaron's space colonists find more things to complain about, while Caiman's teens are on tenterhooks about their final exams. FWR's story has more twists than a grass snake. Meanwhile, in first-century Potentia, some Romans are soaking their feet and plotting politics. Please read with an unprejudiced mind – i.e., unencumbered by the critical process – and the beverage of your choice.

Leave nice comments, please. Share with your friends and casual acquaintances. And have a relaxed week out there. (Send more Stuff.)

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quote of the Week:
Verbatim announcement on my train to Manchester: 'Sorry for the bovine incursion. We've got one brown one and one white one. . . The brown one is staring down the train in a game of chicken. I'll let you know as soon as we get them cleared or if they start working for network rail.'

Gareth Forest on Twitter

Honey bee on a flower, by Tavaron.

July Create Challenge:
A Sense of Summer

Video Extra:
The Peaceful Piesting
Click here in Ripley

A Trip to the Randfontein Road

Crassula in flower by Willem.



Chapter 23
Well-Met by Moonlight

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Luna playing peekaboo, by Paigetheoracle.

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