July 2024 Create Challenge: A Sense of Summer

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July 2024 Create Challenge: A Sense of Summer

Honeybee on a flower by Tavaron.

What is the essence of summer to you? Is it a sight? A smell? A sound? A texture? Tell us how summer affects your senses.

Close your eyes and remember. What comes to mind first: light on water? The smell of barbecue in the backyard or popcorn on the boardwalk? The feel of sun on your face or a breeze against your skin? The jingle of the ice cream truck, the buzz of insects, call of birds, or sound of the surf?

Send us your impressions. Write an essay, a story, a poem. Paint a picture. Take photos. From gentle meadows to steamy riverbanks to sandy beaches and dry deserts, everyone's experiences are different. Share your sensory memories with us.

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

01.07.24 Front Page

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