Quantum Giggles
Created | Updated Mar 19, 2023
Quantum Giggles
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I knew without turning my head that the clock to my right would be glowing with the inevitable zero four twenty three. Same every day. Evil bloody thing!
As I let the threads of my dreams unravel and dissolve, I waited for those minutes of my life I love the most.
Soft pre-dawn light gradually creeping in, lining the contours of the face currently breathing peacefully against my shoulder. Same every day. Wonderful bloody thing.
Her beauty revealed, painfully slowly, but with an intimacy that transcended the merely physical. The light caressed her features.
With that rather soppy thought, my brain went off on one, joyfully diving down metaphysically romantic rabbit holes.
Same every day. Annoying bloody thing!
How many minutes of the past three decades had I spent gazing at that beautiful face? Minutes? Days, months?
Mathematical romance, sunrise sums.
She stirs, eyes flicker open, that stunning half-smile sends electric shocks through my soul again. Same every day. Amazing bloody thing.
She moans again, snuggles in even closer, adjusting her body to relieve some of the pain in her joints. For the billionth time I wish I could take that away, the only thing I'd change about her in thirty years.
I kiss her head, tell her it's still too early, go back to sleep. She kisses my shoulder, sleep reclaiming her as I wonder about where that spark comes from, where it goes, how can it be eternal? Metaphysics, quantum hocus pocus, spiritual, heavenly sparks. My mind ponders hopelessly romantic ideas of the loves occurring around the multiverse between different versions of us, perhaps a single raindrop fell differently overnight? I wake a minute later? The sheets are a slightly different shade? My wife wakes free for pain? Different things every day. My mind's a weird bloody thing.
I tell her this when she's awake, whispering to her in an empty house, enjoying the calm. Moving away slightly as I touch a sore spot, knowing she will only come back in, even closer.
Get to the bit about omniverses, how energy can never disappear, so love must last forever, maybe that's Heaven, a brief crack in the curtain, a glimpse of always? Be nice, wouldn't it? Love. Eternally. Every day….
I begin to explain, I listened to this podcast about time and quantum mechanics….
'OUCH!' She cries out.
'Sorry love.' I move away, 'Your hips, legs, arms?'
She smiles that killer smile.
'No, my bloody brain!'