Join the Q: CatBot Chatbot

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Join the Q: CatBot Chatbot

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Recently I saw an advert for an online course about Designing a Feminist Chatbot. It made me think of h2g2's favourite chatbots, Cleverbot (who doesn't fit the definition of a feminist chatbot) and ELIZA (who could be classed as a feminist chatbot as her responses are so vague that they are unlikely to treat different people differently). Thus I signed up to see what I could learn.

I was impressed by how concise the course was - I learned everything I needed to know to program a basic chatbot within a few hours. My chatbot is not as sophisticated as ELIZA, as I had to program the human responses as well as the bot answers, but it is definitely more polite than Cleverbot.

Here is my h2g2 CatBot Chatbot - enjoy!

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