The h2g2 Post: 1.06.20

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 1st June 2020

Birdwatching Issue (I)

Towhee by DGTowhee in Flight by DG
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.

Matthew 6:26

This month's Create theme is 'Backyard Nature', so here it is: our first Birdwatching Spectacular. We have successfully demonstrated one thing here: all of us have different birds in our backyards, and if we take our eyes away from our computer screens for a moment, we'll notice them.

We have English birds, French birds, North American birds, South African birds. We have big birds, and little birds, and birds that like water, and birds that fly high… You're going to be amazed. And this is all on one planet!

Next week, we've got bugs. Send us your bugs and birds and flowers and whatever swims, crawls, flies, or generally hangs around. We want to look and share and talk about them. Oh, and if you have pics, why not write them up for the Edited Guide? We're looking to expand our repertoire with living creatures.
Adorable Simba by Rosa Baggins
Here are some of this week's highlights. (That's Rosa Baggins' cat Simba over there, say hi.)
  • Awix got excited about the bird issue. He's come up with a superior offering from the home cinema files: a spectacular epic about a bird that you have to see to believe. No, we take that back. Once you've seen it, you still won't believe it.
  • Freewayriding has soaring wonders, as well as proof that swans are not always graceful. You'll laugh, gasp, and go 'ah'.
  • Superfrenchie has a quiz for you. See if you can Name That Bird. There's another bird quiz, and a colouring challenge, and a lot of other surprises along the way.
  • Ben Moore is back with more news from the lockdown front. I have dancing birds.
  • It seems hard to believe, as I sweat my way through this issue at 86° Fahrenheit (30° Celsius), but only a couple of weeks ago, it was snowing outside. (That's why I hate weather talk.) At that time, a brave and gorgeous Baltimore Oriole visited my neighbour's floral bushes. There's video.
  • Paigetheoracle wonders what Lewis Carroll's publisher thought. We do, too. See his story.
  • SashaQ went on a birdwalk. Not a Tennessee birdwalk, but there's a Dalek involved.
  • The stories continue. There's tons to explore!

Let your imaginations take wings this week. Discuss, nicely. Get your cameras out, and go find some bugs and birds. And have a blessed, safe, and natural week!

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Quote of the Week:
Good of you to mention that [your remark] is off-topic. I was just starting to swim...

Caiman Raptor Elk

Create June 2020 by Freewayriding
June Create Challenge:
Backyard Nature
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

Meves's Starling

Meves's Starling by Willem.



Florida Backyard Birds

Everglades by Phred


Lazy Artwork…
Topography of a Bird

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