Join the Q: Yet Another Camera Experiment

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Join the Q: Yet Another Camera Experiment

Back in 2018 I discovered 'Night Mode' on my camera and carried out some star-photography experiments, some of which were more successful than others. Since then, I hadn't really encountered the right conditions for another stellar experiment, so I concentrated on photographing the Moon instead.

Recently I came home from work on a cold, clear, moonless night and noticed that the Pleiades constellation was visible, so I decided to seize the moment and see what I could achieve with my camera.

It was a bit of a random experiment, as I had to put my camera in a shady place away from the street lights, point it upwards and hope for the best, but I was pleased with the result. I think I managed to photograph the Pleiades as well as a good number of stars, so it was a successful experiment.

A photograph of the night sky.

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