Counting Down to the Holidays Lola's a good spy, in that she's very observant. She keeps a sharp eye out for that hated brown dog walking by on her pavement. Then she becomes a bad spy: she barks loud enough to wake the dead. You'd be amazed at the amount of sound produced by a five-pound canine. These days, we suspect she's also watching for the delivery people, who bring surprises. She'll probably be the first to see Santa (Father Christmas), too.
How are your holiday preparations going? Well, we hope. The Post Contributors have seen a lot of cool things they want to share. We've got seasonal photos, and humour, and videos, and thoughtful writing.
Here goes:

- Willem takes us back in his natural history time machine once again, and tells us more about the Gorgonopsians. Aren't you glad you know this word? Drop it into casual conversation at your holiday office party, and watch their jaws drop.
- Desideria the Demoness is here to stay, folks. Enjoy the third installment of this amazing new comic. Let Willem know you appreciate. We're glad we've met Desideria, and we want to know more about her.
- As winter sets in up north, and a lot of our horizons are blanketed in snow, the world through our viewfinders changes. A couple of our English photographers share an overview of the seasons. Others enjoy unusual sights.
- The sights extend to our video section, and include both outdoor and indoor activity. The Hoggetts gather around the fireplace (that's their own natural gas well, a special feature of rural western Pennsylvania since around 1860), or attend a well-stocked holiday table (with cats, of course), while outside, deer browse. Meanwhile, SashaQ discovers a natural mystery: dancing sprouts. We round off our audiovisual extravaganza with uplifting music. Appreciate: we're highbrow around here, at least some of the time.
 - Awix is back with the latest in cinema. We can always count on him to point out the high points of the year's production. This week, he discusses some really intellectual film-making while admitting to a naughty prank he played at his office Christmas party.
- We have humour. There are quizzes to challenge you. Paigetheoracle continues a fictional serial, while I tell you the absolutely true and totally shocking tale of my imaginary spy adventures on both sides of the Iron Curtain. There's advice to ignore, and a poem from the past that will make you think. SashaQ has a significant recap to share.
In short: you're going to like each and every one of these pages, so you don't want to miss anything. Remember: we still want your personal spy stories and Christmas Stuff – just two weeks left in December, send them to the Post! A new year is almost upon us, with all its uncertainties, challenges, and possibilities. Let's enjoy the heck out of the old one while it's here.
Wrap up warmly, except for Willem, who needs an umbrella, and don't forget your mobiles and cameras! Have a great week out there!
Dmitri Gheorgheni