A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 1, 2017
Inbox full of weird.
The world in my head's a perfect place
Keeps joy in my heart and a smile on my face.
The world in my head's just little bit weird
Keeps the big mad grin shining through my beard.
My stories, my songs and my pictures too;
I'll gladly share them all with you.
Ghosts or Vikings - that insane fella,
Daemons or Greys in a spooky cellar.
How do I think of all these things -
Monsters, cows and angel wings?
Post apocalyptic bikers,
Tales that may please my fellow Hikers.
Psychic foxes, galactic cruisers,
Falling off and getting bruises.
Each day's a tale as yet untold.
Story seeds I'll make unfold.
Some normal stuff, but weird ones most,
I'll scribble down and send the Post.
It's nicely weird inside my head,
Time to share - I'll mail the Ed!
cactuscafe Posted Dec 3, 2017
Hah! Found you!
Approaches the shores of the marvellous FWR world, through which I will now venture, over the next week or so.
(Checks backpack. Got my bag of donuts and my Spanish brandy)
Offers a donut to a passing psychic fox.
Ah yes! yes!
The world in my head is the place where I know
how to chat with a lizard and fly like a crow.
Passing psychic fox eyes me warily.
FWR Posted Dec 3, 2017
Wasn't aware I was hiding?
Ah the brandy, famous throughout the multiverse, forget Aldeberan wine!
That fox saved my life...or vice versa .
Thanks for reading.
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