A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 21, 2017
World Cup...(maybe, but probably not!)
This time next year
We'll all be done
But just suppose that England won?
I know, I know
We've got no chance
Knocked out again, just like in France.
A new young team
A new young boss
A run of games without a loss?
The games so far
We're rather dull
But hopes for Russia, feel the pull?
Hope pops up
Along with dread
Are English chances really dead?
Each time I swear
We've got the fix
Repeat the win of sixty six?
My birthday treat
Every fourth year
An England shirt, the proper gear.
Each time the gloom
Complete dismay
I sadly put my shirt away!
Twenty two
is not that far
How nice to have another star!
Six months away
The World Cup starts
English joy....or broken hearts?
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